
v3.2.2 Released

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This release actually just fixes a corrupted file: jinput.jar (a component of LWJGL which X-Ray redistributes). X-Ray 3.2.1 apparently distributed a corrupt version of this file, which made it differ from the official LWJGL-released file, which affected one of its internal class files. This didn't appear to actually affect functionality, but I've released 3.2.2 with a corrected file, regardless.

For anyone wishing to run comparisons versus the official LWJGL distribution, note that X-Ray currently distributes LWJGL 2.5. I hope to have that updated to 2.7.1 by the time X-Ray 3.3.0 is released.

Here's looking forward to the Adventure update!

Posted by CJ Kucera 2011-09-06

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