
#23 HTTP download of log files fails

insight-ui (17)

Issue reported on user mailing list [] by Tim Tiernan


I am facing some difficulties viewing events from my server's log file using
what I believe to be the correct (log4j) message pattern. I am using an
HTTP fileset to load the files, where once the logs are successfully
retrieved, there are no events being displayed.

We are using log4j v1.2.14 with a ConversionPattern set to* '*%d %5p [%t]
(%c{1}:%L) %x - %m%n'. When I define this ConversionPattern in my Log4J
Pattern Preferences, the logs are being retrieved via HTTP, however the
"Events:" pane remains empty. I suspect that there is something incorrect
with my message pattern, though I have not been able to pinpoint it. I have
tried several variations of the pattern without any luck. For reference,
the following is a sample event from my server log:

"2011-01-01 10:09:48,443 TRACE [main] (PerformanceMonitoringAspect:45) -
Operation MarshallingPlatformEndpoint.setplatformServiceEndPoint(..) took
153000 nanoseconds"

Also, I have set my Event Column Display preferences to 'Time Priority
Thread Category Line Message' to match that of our logging pattern (in case
that helps).

And for reference, this behavior is being observed using Insight v1.5.2 on a
Windows XP Professional SP3 system.

Please let me know if there is any additional information that I can

Thanks in advance for any assistance that you can offer.

Best Regards,



  • Bindul Bhowmik

    Bindul Bhowmik - 2011-01-25
    • status: open --> open-fixed
  • Bindul Bhowmik

    Bindul Bhowmik - 2011-01-25

    Fixed in r270