
Mindlence RPG Game Library / News: Recent posts

Just a brief update

Theres been a lot of work on the Terminal and GUI SDK's lately. This was all based on the needs of the Game components, and a few bugs found along the way. Still trying to make the switch from the cross platform work to building the Game SDK. I'm hoping everything that needs to be in place for that is now done.

There will be a new release of both the Terminal SDK and the GUI SDK. Since those latest versions will be the base for the Game components they'll need to be stamped and tagged soon. Those will hopefully be put in place by the end of the month.... read more

Posted by Jason Beighel 2005-12-12

Terminal SDK 1.2 / GUI SDK 0.8 Alpha 1

Its been a while since I could devote any real time to this project. It hasn't been forgotten yet.

There have been a lot of changes and updates to the GUI-SDK. A number of bugs have been corrected, as well as a good many things added to it. Its still very early on, but it does appear to be working. It permits the creation of windows and child windows, and a few common controls have been added. Unfortunately the work was done away from SourceForge so there isn't a list of all the updates that have been made.... read more

Posted by Jason Beighel 2005-11-18

GUI Cross Platform SDK Pre-AlphaPreview

In the upcoming weeks I expect to release version 1.1 of the Terminal SDK. No real changes in functionality, but a number of small bugs and enhancements have been made. See the Bugs and RFE trackers to see what changed.

The GUI SDK has reached a point where a preview can be made. Right now it only has some basic capabilites, it can create windows and use labal and button controls. Its not much, but its a start.... read more

Posted by Jason Beighel 2005-03-02

Terminal SDK Ver 0.9 (Beta 3)

The Terminal SDK gets another Beta release, Beta 3. I finally got to test it out on BeOS and everything seems to be working fine there. This Beta looks to be in good enough shape to become the first release version. See the Bug tracker for a list of issues in this release. Before committing this to a release, I'd like to give the function reference files a once over to be sure they cover everything. It would be nice to get some good documentation in there, but thats not something I see getting done for quite a while.... read more

Posted by Jason Beighel 2005-02-22

Terminal SDK Ver 0.9 (Beta 2)

Things are going along pretty well with the Terminal SDK. The only trouble spot is that my BeOS computer died a while back. Normally something like that isn't a big deal, but since BeOS hasn't seen a lot of updates getting drivers for any recent hardware is a bit of a challenge. If I can't get BeOS back up nd running again soon I may need to drop support for it. Once I get a stable BeOS machine back up I'll try to get it caught up again, hopefully Haiku-OS will get a new version of BeOS out soon to work from.... read more

Posted by Jason Beighel 2005-02-06

Terminal SDK Ver 0.8 (Alpha 1)

Well, looking back I suppose I didn't need to post that update a few days ago since I'm doing another now.

Seeing as how all of the core functionality of the Terminal SDK is in place and more or less working I figured it should be OK to release an Alpha version.

The Alpha 1 release compiles fine on BeOS (Tested on BeOS Online), Linux (Tested on SuSe and Debian), Windows (Tested in MSYS and Cygwin). For the most part it also works in OS X as well.... read more

Posted by Jason Beighel 2005-02-01

Finally getting around to posting an update

Haven't said much about the project in a while now, so I figured its about time for some kind of update.

The Terminal SDK has seen a few changes. Support for semaphores has been added to the Mutex Module. The File Class is chugging along, although slowly. The class is working using the ANSI functions, but there isn't any support for the native OS API's yet. Support for Mac's OS X has been added to the majority of the classes and modules, the only ones left out are the Network Classes.
Once the Network Classes are ported and the File Class has been adjusted to compile correctly or work with the OS API's an Alpha version of the Terminal SDK is expected. No date on that though, but hopefully in the next few months.... read more

Posted by Jason Beighel 2005-01-30

Terminal SDK Preview

Ok I finally found time to upload all of the code I have done on this project and put together a decent makefile for it.

I'm going to apoligize in advance for the quality of this. Not all of the functionality I want to get into this library has made it. Also I've been working on this project for quite a while and my programming style has changed a bit, so the naming convention isn't consistent from file to file.... read more

Posted by Jason Beighel 2004-10-05

Hello out there

The description given on the summary page was rather terse. So I thought I'd give a better description of the goals of this project.

As stated in the description this project is an attempt to create a set of libraries that will enable easy development of a platform independant role playing game. Now in order to acheive that goal the design in mind is to build the library into relatively small sections that focus on a particular section of the SDK; each section will build and expand on the previous ones.... read more

Posted by Jason Beighel 2004-09-28