
#2 How to redistribute as part of application

Sean Flook

I am using Mimer in my application and want to include
it in a single installation of the application. What do I
need to do in order to achieve this?


  • Fredrik Ĺlund

    Fredrik Ĺlund - 2005-05-25
    • assigned_to: nobody --> fral
  • Fredrik Ĺlund

    Fredrik Ĺlund - 2005-05-25

    Logged In: YES

    It depends how you want to distribute your application. You
    can simply distribute the installatoin file and perform the
    installation in the users machines. This will put all the
    assemblies in the GAC and make Mpm available globaly on the

    If you do not want this, simply ship your application with
    the assembliy Mimer.Mpm.Data.dll where the runtime part is.
    If you want to be able to create and manipulate DataSources
    from within your program you also need to ship the
    Mimer.Mpm.Data.Admin.dll. Both assemblies are located in
    your installation directory of Mpm. You do not need the
    MpmAdmin.exe, you can manipulate the DataSource
    programatically. If you want you can start the
    MpmAdministrator from within your application with the
    following code:

    Mimer.Mpm.Data.Admin.AdminForm adminForm = new

    You do not have to put the assemblie into the GAC, just put
    them together with your other assemblies.

    Another thing you should do is to put the Mpm configuration
    (DataSources, Plugins, and Filters) in your application
    configuration file. This way they are only visible to your

    If it is a ASP.NET application, simply put the assemblies in
    the <web app home>/bin directory.

    Does this help?


  • Sean Flook

    Sean Flook - 2005-05-25

    Logged In: YES

    The application is a windows application and I am
    experiencing this on the same machine that I am developing
    i.e. all the assemblies are already in the GAC.

    I have installed all the assemblies to the directory and to the
    GAC and this does not make any changes.

    How do you use the configuration file? I can not find any
    information on it. At present I am using the registry as I have
    to dynamically set the datasources up at runtime.


  • Fredrik Ĺlund

    Fredrik Ĺlund - 2005-05-25

    Logged In: YES

    The manual cover how you use the configuration file, but
    there is an error in the documentation for Mpm 1.2.3. See
    for information about this. Basically, if you use Mpm 1.2.3
    and create a configuration file, change
    "MpmSqlFilterSectionHandler" to

    Mpm uses the standard application configuration file
    (App1.exe.config for the application App1.exe). If you have
    a configuration file you can simply open it in
    MpmAdministrator, open a new instance of the
    MpmAdministrator that uses the registry and drag and drop
    you Plugins, SQL Filters and Data Sources. When you have all
    parts you need, simply save the config file.
    If you do not have a configuration file, simply open
    MpmAdministrator and choose File/Save as and save the file
    as <your appname>.exe.config. This will create a
    configuration file with all Mpm parts in it.

    But remember, if you use Mpm 1.2.3 you have to manually
    change "MpmSqlFilterSectionHandler" to
    "MpmSqlFilterDescriptorSectionHandler". Or even better, use
    Mpm 1.2.4.


  • Sean Flook

    Sean Flook - 2005-05-25

    Logged In: YES

    I think we have managed to get our wires crossed here.

    I am trying to find exactly how to redistribute Mpm as part of
    my application as I believe I am missing something as I am
    getting an error when I run my application outside of the IDE,
    see below.

    "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

    This is raised by the following line of code:

    if (conn.DataSourceDescriptor.DbmsType ==

    This works fine when running from within Visual Studio IDE
    but gives me this error when trying to run from the same
    machine after I have installed the application.

    I have tried installing all the files from the redist folder into the
    application directory and the GAC without success.

    I am using the registry to store information about the Data
    Sources as I do not know what the database set-up for the
    clients will be i.e. the name of the server and database in the
    case of SQL Server. Therefore we have a small application
    that allows them to set these values and then I update the
    registry with these values and the default set-up for a
    particular database type.

    I hae tried to use the configuration file without any success,
    but as this is not designed to be written to I am not
    particularly keen to go down this route.


  • Fredrik Ĺlund

    Fredrik Ĺlund - 2005-05-25

    Logged In: YES

    Ok, I thought this was resolved in the Bug 1207703.

    I have tried this with Mpm 1.2.3 with Mpm installed in the
    GAC (using the Mpm installer) and without anything in the
    GAC (putting all files in the Redist folder together with
    the applications .exe file). I have also tried this using
    the registry and using config files (with and without Mpm in
    the GAC) without any problems. I have tried all combinations
    withing VS.NET and outside VS.NET.

    If you write your data sources in the registry by your self,
    are you sure all parts are correct? You cannot simply put
    the data sources there, you have to have the plugins and sql
    filters there as well and with the correct versions. Are you
    sure you are using the same versions of the assemblies as
    you have specified in the registry?

    I have attached a simple example that does if
    (conn.DataSourceDescriptor.DbmsType ==
    MpmDbmsTypes.Oracle). It includes all files in the redist
    folder and a configuration file. It also include the
    registry settings for the applications.

    What kind of problems have had using config files? Have you
    tried to uninstall Mpm (so you don't have anyting in the
    GAC) and use the files in the redist folder together with
    your application.

  • Fredrik Ĺlund

    Fredrik Ĺlund - 2005-05-25

    A simple application that works without anything in the GAC or the registry

  • Sean Flook

    Sean Flook - 2005-05-25

    Logged In: YES

    OK, I ran your application and got the following error:

    "An unhandled exception of
    type 'System.IO.FileNotFoundException' occurred in

    Additional information: File or assembly name
    Mimer.Data.Client, or one of its dependencies, was not

    I get this error with Mimer installed in the GAC and removed
    from the GAC


  • Fredrik Ĺlund

    Fredrik Ĺlund - 2005-05-25

    Logged In: YES

    My example uses a Data Source for Mimer SQL. To use it you
    have to install Mimer SQL and Mimer Data Provider 9.2
    (available at\). I have attached a
    new configuration file using Microsoft SQL Server instead.

    When you are talking about Mimer I suppose you mean Mpm
    (Mimer Provider Manager). Mimer SQL (called Mimer as short
    name) is our RDBMS that is available for practically all
    operating systems.
    Try the application with the new configuration file instead.

  • Fredrik Ĺlund

    Fredrik Ĺlund - 2005-05-25

    A new configuration file using SQL Server instead.

  • Sean Flook

    Sean Flook - 2005-05-26

    Logged In: YES

    Sorry in the delay in getting back, but Visual Studio decided
    it would corrupt my install project and then delete it.

    The good news is that after rebuilding the install project my
    application now works fine. I do not know if it was the
    problem with the install or the changes I did to try and get
    around any problems caused when we obsfucate the


  • Fredrik Ĺlund

    Fredrik Ĺlund - 2005-05-26
    • status: open --> closed
  • Fredrik Ĺlund

    Fredrik Ĺlund - 2005-05-26

    Logged In: YES

    Perfect, then I'm closing this issue. It is hard to tell
    what went wrong, but at least it is working now.



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