
Compile problem with Provider Manager v202

  • Zerocool

    Zerocool - 2006-11-30

    Hello Fredrik,

    Thank you for responding. I apologize, but I was not sure where to start. And thought this would be a good place as any hoping some one would point me in the correct direction.

    I am using the Mimer 2.0.2 version of Source code I downloaded from the Mimer site. I am using it on Windows XP, Visual Studio 2005 .Net (Framework 2.0) environment.
    Initially I had troubles with the preprocessor statements in the TemplatePlugin project.
    // #elsif...
    once I changed them to
    #elif and removed the commenting marks on the rest 380 #if #elif s I was able to proceed.
    Then It complained about Namespace 'TemplateNamespace'
    I am stuck at this point and cannot proceed.

    I would really appreciate your help.

    • Fredrik Ĺlund

      Fredrik Ĺlund - 2006-12-08


      I uninstalled all version of Mimer Provider manager, downloaded the Mimer Provider Manager source v2.0.2 from and then  built it. I got no errors, it built right out of the box.

      I will try to figure out what the problem is, but if you have some more information it might help. Do  you, for example, have the Mimer Data Provider and Oracle Data Provider installed?


      • Zerocool

        Zerocool - 2006-12-08

        Hello Fredrik,

        I have both the Oracle Dataprovider and the Mimer Provider installed correctly. The Solution as a whole compiles with out errors. But I am unable to build the MpmTemplatePlugin project. It complains about the TemplateNamespace not found errors.

        Could you provide some pointers.

        The project uses #elif preprocessor statements. This is another place where errors were occuring with code out of box. the errors went away when I changed the statements to #elsif


        • Fredrik Ĺlund

          Fredrik Ĺlund - 2006-12-11


          The TemplatePlugin project should not be built, it is just a template project used for creating now provider plugins. You only have to built the entire solution, not the specific projects (at least not the template plugin project since it should not be built).


          • Zerocool

            Zerocool - 2006-12-11


            So that was the problem.


            THis is a great software. I will keep chugging at it and let you know if I have any questions.



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