
MilkQuake / News: Recent posts

Project Update

As of today the project no longer focuses on rewriting Q3's source in C++.

Its primary goal now is to create a FPS that encourages modding and getting the average gamer to actually try making something to call their own.

Also, there's a weapon concept I'm writing down as a personal note to myself and as a form of copyright protection:

Weapon Idea -
A magnet you can shoot to a wall, floor, ceiling, etc that attracts weapon fire. If an enemy shoots at you the bullets will bend to the magnet instead and shred anything standing between the attracted weapon fire and the magnet. ... read more

Posted by Caldiar 2007-09-28

Project Setback

I came back from Beijing with a ton of new hardware in tow. After building the new computer the operating system on my development harddrive was confused by the new and intimidating 64 bit processor that it's never seen before.

Because of this, I had to reinstall Windows XP so it could recognize the processor type and, in doing so, I reformatted my entire drive... without backing anything up. Doh!... read more

Posted by Caldiar 2007-05-17

MilkQuake Begins

The project formerly known as QSDL++ (standing for Quake 3 SDL C++ Conversion) has now been dubbed "MilkQuake".

MilkQuake now has a home and base of operations thanks to the generousity of
Thanks guys!

Stay tuned for further updates as this project grows out of its infancy!

Posted by Caldiar 2007-03-12