
#250 config: TeX Live style FNDB [2.7]

Core (7)
  1. fndb optional, except for main tree. Users keep forgetting to update the fndb and then wonder why things don't work. For small private trees, the performance hit would be minor.

  2. fndb at root of tree to which it applies, with relative paths. I maintain a network MikTeX installation. If I could maintain the fndb for the shared trees, users would automatically pick up on tree changes.


  • Christian Schenk

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    1. the fndb files for the shared TEXMF trees are in:
      i.e., I think that the requested feature is already available
  • siepo

    siepo - 2007-04-14

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    A quick test with MikTeX 2.6 showed that `refresh FNDB' put all FNDB files under userdata.
    Maybe this was because I moved all MikTeX registry settings to HKCU? HKCU-only configuration is desirable for roaming profile setup.

    I won't have time for further testing until the end of next week.

  • Hans Fr. Nordhaug

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Excellent feature request.

    About 2: Maybe part of it is sort of already available, but I think it really makes sense to keep the fndb files in the root of each tree - why keep it anywhere else? The fndb is not a configuration item IMHO. (This is what teTeX / TeX live does with it's ls-R files.)

  • Christian Schenk

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Thank you for the suggestion!

    1. This will be implemented in MiKTeX 2.7.
    2. It will be possible to store the FNDB file in miktex{config;data}
      relative to the TEXMF root directory. I do not want to store the
      FNDB file in the root directory, because it is a MiKTeX specific
  • Hans Fr. Nordhaug

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Excellent, Christian.

    Just for the record - regarding 2: I just wanted the FNDB files inside the texmf tree they describe, so I'm happy. (And I do agree it fits nicely in the miktex directory.) Thx!

  • siepo

    siepo - 2007-05-04

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES


  • Christian Schenk

    • status: open --> closed
    • Milestone: --> None