
Cannot downlaod packed MikTeK Package Manager

  • Richard Dybowski

    Whenever I try to use the MikTeK Package Manager, I get the error messages "An
    existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host." and "connect
    failed in tcp_connect()". I have tried to change from Warwick to another
    package repository via the "Packages" part of "MixTeX Options" but I cannot
    edit the URL in "Package Repository". Please tell me what should I do now.


  • Carl Knox

    Carl Knox - 2012-04-29

    Did you select the "Change..." button on the "Packages" tab ?
    If true, select "Packages shall be installed from the internet" option.
    Pressing the "Next" button should present an current list (it may take a
    moment to update)
    Then select one. I hope this is what you were looking for.

  • Beckeroo7

    Beckeroo7 - 2012-09-29

    I am having the exact same problem. However, following the steps that Carl
    listed above only leads me back to the error message "connect failed in
    tcp_connect()". There is no list to select from after pressing "Next" button,
    only a pop up MiKteX Problem Report with the connection error message. Any
    ideas on how to solve this would be greatly appreciated!

  • Carl Knox

    Carl Knox - 2012-09-30

    Another source for answers


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