
can't install 2.8

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-04-12

    I must be doing something wrong, but can't figure out what, as I follow the
    standard complete installation procedure on a new hp with windows XP.
    Installation is always successul (i did it three times), but then as soon as I
    try to latex or pdflatex a document in an msdos box, which worked fine under
    2.7, I get an error message:
    "This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.10 (mikTeX 2.8)
    initexmf: unknown format name/engine: pdflatex/pdfTeX
    I can't find the default format file!"
    If I try to update all formats, I receive an error message again:
    "The miktex configuration utility failed. Do you want to see the transcript? "
    And when I do I read:
    "miktex-makefmt: Unknown engine: pdfetex
    initexmf.EXE: The operation failed for some reason.
    initexmf.EXE: Data: C:\Program Files\miktex-2.8\miktex\bin\miktex-makefmt.exe"
    So I thought I should change the compiler in the formats tab:
    from pdfetex to pdftex,
    but then a message comes up:
    "Built-in format definitions may not be changed".
    I am stuck!
    Any hint as to what is going wrong here?

    Thanks in advance for any help

  • U_Fischer

    U_Fischer - 2010-04-14

    As far as I know the directives for generating the formats are in file
    formats.ini (at least this is the case in miktex 2.7) in miktex/config. There
    can be more than one formats.ini. If your shows for one of the
    formats as compiler (!) "pdfetex" this probably means that there is somewhere
    a broken formats.ini or a formats.ini from another miktex version.

    Ulrike Fischer


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