
Migma / News: Recent posts

Release 0-1-0 updated

Copyright notices and permission-to-copy
statements placed at the beginning of source code.

Readme updated.

COPYING file included.

Posted by Antonio Luiz Basile 2004-08-14

manuals (eng / pt-BR) updated

manuals (eng / pt-BR) updated

Posted by Antonio Luiz Basile 2004-07-26

Compiling under windows (important)

After downloading/installing gnu-prolog :
--> download and install nasm.exe at

1) use same directory to : , nasm.exe, gplc (for instance, you can put all together in \gnu-prolog\bin )
2) set your path to find nasm and gplc

Posted by Antonio Luiz Basile 2004-07-26


If you want a balanced answer sheet, on your original exam:

1) Always use balanced (and random) answer keys on your original exam
(1c 2a 3e 4b etc), ie,

2) Never use something like this : (1a 2a 3a 4a etc)

This procedure helps random process.

A few words:
if you put unbalanced ans-sheet exam, you will get unbalanced ans-sheet exams.

Posted by Antonio Luiz Basile 2004-07-25

Sample exams ready (only in release 0.1.0)

download release 0.1.0 to get it

Posted by Antonio Luiz Basile 2004-07-24

Release 0.1.0 - linux & windows

1) Important bugs fixed.
2) Sample exam attached (english and portuguese versions)

Posted by Antonio Luiz Basile 2004-07-24

Windows release ready !

compiled and tested under a <x86 + windows 2000 computer>

Posted by Antonio Luiz Basile 2004-07-22

source code - windows users - zip

a zip file with source code is ready

Posted by Antonio Luiz Basile 2004-07-21

migma-0.0.6 released

1) bug in option -a ...................<fixed>
2) random process bug ............<fixed>
3) option -audit ....................<enabled>

Posted by Antonio Luiz Basile 2004-07-20

withdrawal of previous releases

withdrawal of previous releases

Posted by Antonio Luiz Basile 2004-07-20

migma-0.0.5 released

-name extensions has been treated
-some help modifications (-stats included)

Posted by Antonio Luiz Basile 2004-07-18

migma-0.0.4 released

1) -stats option ready (statistical information about exams)
2) random ok, now

Posted by Antonio Luiz Basile 2004-07-18

migma-0.0.3 released

fixed some bugs

Posted by Antonio Luiz Basile 2004-07-17

manual ready

a brief and very simple manual is ready.

Posted by Antonio Luiz Basile 2004-07-15