

Intecs SpA

Welcome to your micrOSEK wiki!


Microsek is an INTECS Hard Real-Time and Networked Operating System compliant to the Osek/Vdx standard and suitable for the development of Embedded Real-Time Applications.

- Compliant with the Osek/Vdx International Standard.
- Certifiable against the safety critical software international standards.
- Easily Portable.
- Scalable.
- Fully Configurable.
- Reduced memory occupation.

OSEK OS Services

Task Management (Creation, Termination, Full/Non Preemptive scheduling policy). The OS subsystem provides both task types required by the Osek/Vdx standard: the Basic and the Extended Task. The Extended task can use the OS services provided for task synchronization.
Task Synchronization (Resource Access synchronization, Events). The OS subsystem provides services for the Resource Access Synchronization based on the priority ceiling protocol. Event services are provided for suspending the calling task until a specified event arrives.

Interrupt Management (Enabling, Disabling). The OS subsystem supports two interrupt categories: one is more efficient and does not introduce overhead permitting the use of few services; the other one can use the major part of the system services but introduces a small overhead.

Alarm Management (Absolute/ Relative/ Pe-riodic/ Non Periodic Alarm) MICROSEK OS provides functionalities for Alarm Management. An alarm is a service that activates a user provided action (Task activation, Callback, Event signalling) when the specified time period expires.

Error Management ( Local/ Centralized Error Management). A dedicated Hook routine can be configured to provide a user defined centralized error management.

Hook routines availability (Startup/ Shutdown/ Task Switching). During the system configuration phase the user can specify the hook routines to be called by the OS subsystem when the internal Startup, Shutdown or Task Switching functionalities are activated.

SPC5 Studio MicrOsek Component
MicroOsek is available in STMicroelectronics SPC5 Studio as a component. It allows user to create and configure MicrOsek’s based applications for SPC563m platform.


The following platforms (Processor / Develop-ment Environment) are supported:
- Janus (ARM7) / Wind River system ©
- Micronas CDC16xxF/CDC32xxG / WDC C-Compiler, WinIDEA, GreenHills Multi2000 ©
- Motorola 68K / Microtec ©
- PowerPC e200z3 / Hightek compiler.

This version of microOSEK is not intended to be directly used in commercial/industrial application. You may contact Intecs for a further information. Intecs S.p.A. also provides a commercial CENELEN validation suite.

For further details on customizations, validations and licensing information please contact:
- INTECS S.p.A. - Automotive Division
- Via U. Forti 5 , 56121 Ospedaletto - Pisa, Italy
- E-Mail:
- Tel. +39 050 9657 411 - Fax +39 050 9657 400

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