

Martin S. Lindner


Installing the souce distribution

With the source distribution, you can install MicrobeGPS like any other Python package. This means, MicrobeGPS is installed directly into your Python distribution and makes use of your installed libraries, e.g. numpy, scipy, etc. While this is very comfortable and reduces the memory footprint of the application, it harbors the risk that some parts of MicrobeGPS behave differently due to differt library versions.


  • Python (2.7)

Python packages:

  • PyQt4 (4.9)
  • setuptools (1.3)
  • pip (optional)


  1. Download the source distribution tar.gz archive. E.g. version 1.0.0
  2. Navigate with the console to the directory with the archive
  3. Either install MicrobeGPS with...
    • setuptools: execute easy_install MicrobeGPS-1.0.0.tar.gz
    • pip: execute pip install MicrobeGPS-1.0.0.tar.gz
  4. Run MicrobeGPS from the console by executing MicrobeGPS

Note that you may need root/administrator permissions to install MicrobeGPS like this.

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