
MICHAEL software platform / News: Recent posts

Release candidate 1.8-RC9

Here is the new release candidate for Michael 1.8. It only updates to the last stable version of SDX

Posted by Malo Pichot 2010-05-27

Release candidate 1.8-RC8

Here is the new release candidate for Michael 1.8 (may be the last ;-)). This version comes with corrections on OAI harvester and users document base.

Posted by Malo Pichot 2010-05-25

Release candidate 1.8-RC7

Here is the seventh release candidate for Michael 1.8. This version comes with an optimization of the harvesting process : harvesting is disconnected from indexing.

Posted by Malo Pichot 2010-05-24

Release candidate 1.8-RC6

Here is the sixth release candidate for Michael 1.8. This version comes with a great work on the OAI interface of MICHAEL (harvester and repository). OAI is now more robust. Including the transition from Xalan to Saxon XSLT processor to format records therefore provides a gain on the speed and robustness of the OAI repositories.
The latest version of SDX 2.4, included in this version, comes with an HTML interface for OAI, very nice :-)

Posted by Malo Pichot 2010-05-04

Release candidate 1.8-RC5

Here is the fifth release candidate for Michael 1.8. I know, I've writed "final release" for RC4, but I've found a bad bug in categorization results (in the publication module). So I prefer to released a new RC version. Please, forgive-me ;-)

Posted by Malo Pichot 2010-04-01

Release candidate 1.8-RC4

Here is the fourth and final release candidate for Michael 1.8. It adds the ability to use MySQL instead of the embedded HSQL database. MySQL is not activate as the default database in th sources. To activate it you have to modify three files:
1) pub-mpf/application.xconf
Uncomment the element "<sdx:database type="MYSQL" dsi="mpf"/>"

2) WEB-INF/cocoon.xconf
Replace the right values for MySQL connexion (user, password, database name, port, etc.). See the element <jdbc name="mpf">.... read more

Posted by Malo Pichot 2010-03-15

Standalone eXist server available in SVN

You'll find in the SVN (file "software/exist-server") a standalone eXist server, of the same version as the server embedded eXist by Michael and runnable in Java 1.6 environment. The purpose of this tool is essentially data maintenance. It allows to get eXist on its own JVM, and therefore demand fewer resources than the embedded version. Once the modified data (restoration, updates, etc..), It is possible to replace the binary files (*. dbx) of the embedded eXist server.
Soon, I will propose a distribution for that.
Last words, before use, careful to inform the JAVA_HOME (see "bin/").

Posted by Malo Pichot 2010-03-11

Release candidate 1.8-RC3

We are getting closer to a stable version 1.8. This third release candidate fixes few bugs and updates italian i18n catalogs.

Posted by Malo Pichot 2010-03-11

Release candidate 1.8-RC2

Today we provide a second release candidate for the future version 1.8. It fixes some bugs reports since the version 1.5 and adds some useful messages in the initialization and login processes to track potentials problems.

Posted by Malo Pichot 2010-03-05

Release candidate 1.8-RC1

Today we provide a first release candidate for the future version 1.8. This version is a major update :
* Java 1.6
* Tomcat 6
* SDX 2.4
* Lucene 2.2.0

Posted by Malo Pichot 2010-02-12