
No Metrics Available

  • ABCUser1234

    ABCUser1234 - 2006-04-16


    I am on Eclipse 3.1.1. I am in the Java prespective, and can see the package explorer. I have built the project multiple times, editied it, rebuilt it etc. I still get no metrics shown. There are always 0 items in the queue, and no metrics are shown.

    Any ideas? Thanks.

    • kinomaniak

      kinomaniak - 2006-05-01

      I'm using eclipse 3.1.1 and metrics are evaluating.

      Do you enable metrics plugin??
      Option in Project->Properties->Metrics.

      Do you open the metrics window??

      I have just installed Metrics 1.3.6 on Eclipse 3.1.1 ( via find and install option ) . I turned on the metrics, opened metrics window and metrics were availble.


    • cyb

      cyb - 2008-02-26

      I've been having the same problem.  This was the fix for me:

      1. Open metrics window per instructions
      2. Click green play button on metrics window
      3. Select project
      4. Right-click, select properties
      5. Click Metrics
      6. Click Enable Metrics

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-12-26


    I did above said points, but it was not working,…
    Note: It was working for all my projects except one project…


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