
Normal/triangle orientation

  • Artem Babayan

    Artem Babayan - 2010-11-22


    I have a closed surface in STL format, with inconsistently oriented triangles
    -- e.g. half of the normals to triangles pointing inside, half outside. The
    connectivity of the mesh is correct, the only issue is the normals'
    orientation. Can MeshLab fix this issue and, if yes, how?

    Best regards,

  • Paolo Cignoni

    Paolo Cignoni - 2010-11-22

    menu filter->Normal, Curvature Orientation->Reorient all faces coherentely.
    IF the mesh is manifold usually it does a honest job.

    Caveat each connected component is oriented independently.

  • Artem Babayan

    Artem Babayan - 2010-11-23

    Thanks a lot for your answer.

    And is there any way to treat these separate parts, well, separately? E.g. I
    have surface in STL file which encloses not-connected 2 volumes (it may be
    considered as 2 separate surfaces in a single STL file). After normal
    correction all normals in one part point inwards, in another outward. Is it
    possible to 'isolate' one volume and apply filter "normal reverse" only to
    this part?

  • Paolo Cignoni

    Paolo Cignoni - 2010-11-23

    use the select connecte component tool (on the toolbar),
    move the selection onto another layer,
    apply filter for orientation adjustment
    merge layers

  • Artem Babayan

    Artem Babayan - 2010-11-23

    Thank you.

  • cyberom

    cyberom - 2011-02-04


    I Have some problems with this function, I can't re orient all face

    I think that could be a non-manifold problems but I don't understand How to
    clean that.

    I'm not familiar with meshlab so I think I made mistake.


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