
menushki / News: Recent posts

Note for current and future users

It's great so see that although the menushki project hasn't been updated for a long time, a lot of ppl still find it useful. Thanks for your support!

Hopefully I'll finish my PhD studies by the end of this year and will be able to continue the development.

Plans are: to make GUI (most probably - gnome or qt), fix a couple of bugs, translate it into several languages (at least Russian and German) and support the newer versions of managers.... read more

Posted by Alex Agibalov 2004-05-07

menushki v.1.0 released

Changes: Bug with WindowMaker menus in separate files failing to open is fixed. Source menu is chosen in a file browser.

Posted by Alex Agibalov 2001-11-15

version 0.9 released

Menushki 0.9 is released.
Main changes:
Formatting of resulting files with spaces. The following bugs have been fixed: disappearing exit and restart entries in BlackBox menu; lost brackets in names; lost exec parameters in IceWM; wrong filename extensions in Gnome; in Gnome and KDE removed items were still there.

Posted by Alex Agibalov 2001-09-17

version 0.8 released

Menushki 0.8 is released.
Changes: Basic features of menu editor (changing properties, adding and removing items, saving the tree) are implemented.

Posted by Alex Agibalov 2001-09-11

menushki 0.7 released

menushki version 0.7 released.
Changes: several bugs when compiling under FreeBSD are fixed. Interface for menu editor is implemented.

Posted by Alex Agibalov 2001-09-08

Project moved to SourceForge

The project menushki is moved to SourceForge.

Posted by Alex Agibalov 2001-08-21