

readme (1)
jdabbert Niko Beer Maja Hartwig

Welcome to the Wiki Space of the MEI Score Editor!

Here are [Quick Start] instructions to get MEISE running and a [First Steps] guide to start working with MEI encodings. If you are looking for further information about the development of MEISE within the eHumanities project DARIAH-DE respectively exemplary Use Case and Workflow descriptions, please go to the MEISE project website at the DARIAH-DE online portal.

Important information for Windows users

When using MEISE on Windows machines please set the desktop zoom level to 100%. Other zoom levels will lead to note rendering failures. See the Windows Control Panel section "Display".

What's next?

Want further information about MEI?


Wiki: Elements and Attributes
Wiki: Examples and Templates
Wiki: First Steps
Wiki: Overview
Wiki: Quick Start