
#72 Execute custom scripts from the WEB UI

Next Release


I would like to see three more extra buttons in the WEB UI,
I suggest they are palced to the right of the scull up to the left in the window.

Execute personal scripts from the WEB UI

There are many usecases for this, in my case I will use it for transcoding.
I have two directories, one that mediatomb scan and one where the original content is placed.
Every time I drop stuff into the original directory I execute my script which will copy it to mediatombs autoscan directory and
transcode the content.

This button should only be visible if the following tag is present and valid in the mediatombs config.xml file.

<custom-script name="myscript" enabled="yes" type="external" timeout="1000">
<command="xxxxxx" arguments=""/>

The script name "<custom-script name="XXXXXXX" " should pop up when the user hover the mouse over the WEB UI button.

Timeout is in seconds, if the script have not finished within the time specified mediatomb should kill the execution.

If the script is already executing and the user press the button, the user should be asked if the user wants to kill the current execution.

The stdout and stderr from the script should go to the log file (if it is specified) for mediatomb, the one defined by --logfile or -l

The execution environment for the script should inherit at least the following variables from config.xml (if they are present)


One nice feature would be the possibility to have more than one <custom-script> tag and this is showned in the WEB UI
with one button per script.

Live well


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