
Mediatomb + Seagate GoFlex TV

  • Bascule The Fule


    I'm pretty new to this media server lark and having just purchased a Seagate GoFlex TV would like to pair it with Mediatomb to serve up music (ogg, flac and mp3) and movies (avi and mkv).

    Having got the GoFlex unit set up and playing files over the network via a samba share on my server, I cannot get it to see the Mediatomb instance I created on the same host.

    I note that for PS3s etc. it is necessary to tweak the config file; is there any GoFlex specific configuration stuff that needs to go in there to make it work or am I just on a hiding to nothing with the GoFlex TV as far as Mediatomb is concerned?

    I've googled this and asked on the GoFlex forum, but found nothing applicable so far, so any help that can be offered would be gratefully received.



  • Bascule The Fule

    I should probably add that the Mediatomb instance is running on Ubuntu Server 10.04 64-bit.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-09-19


    I'm having exactly the same problem.  Mediatomb to a Seagate GoFlex TV box. 
    I am able to view (and even play) files via the network browser but the GoFlex box doesn't recognise the "Media Server" for what it is and make the files available from the media server (video/audo) menu options.

    I'd be really grateful if someone could provide some assistance/help/tips with config file options …. There simply must be a way…


  • alex sayle

    alex sayle - 2011-09-20

    may I ask a dumb question, can anything else see your MediaTomb instances ? say XBMC or any other uPnP browser. 2nd dump question, is the firmware on your FAT+ ( Go Flex Box ) up to date?


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