
PS3 AVI Support

  • cyomatics

    cyomatics - 2008-07-05


    i have a problem. I have searched in many forums, but I didn't find an answer.

    My PS3 can't play avi files with mediatomb. Error Message: Unsupported File Format

    I have changed the 2 lines in the config.xml:

    <protocolInfo extend="yes"/>


    <map from="avi" to="video/x-divx"/>

    Firmware PS3: 2.36

    but it doesn't work.

    Can anybody help me?


    • BT

      BT - 2008-07-05

      If you added the AVI mimetype mapping after you imported your files, then you will have to re-import your AVI files for it take effect. This is also mentioned in the MediaTomb FAQ:


    • cyomatics

      cyomatics - 2008-07-05

      Yes I know, after i reimported the files i looked at the web UI an there is the mimetype video/x-divx.
      I also tried video/avi and video/divx but it didn't work.


    • BT

      BT - 2008-07-05

      The PS3 will refuse to play any DivX file that is encoded with Qpel or a custom matrix. If you have these DivX files then you will need to enable transcoding.


    • cyomatics

      cyomatics - 2008-07-05

      I don't think that they are encoded with with because when I use another media server on my windows pc then i can play the videos.


    • Jim Golden

      Jim Golden - 2008-07-05

      Did you delete the database? I had to do that to get mine to work.

    • BT

      BT - 2008-07-06


      Can you copy one of the unplayable files to the PS3 or a USB disk and see if the PS3 will play them locally. If it can't then you will need to enable transcoding.


    • cyomatics

      cyomatics - 2008-07-06

      Today i deleted the database....added the files...but it was the same.
      Then I copied the file to my PS3 and the PS3 doesn't play the file.

      How can i enable transcode? should i only set enable trancode=yes or is there anything to add?


    • BT

      BT - 2008-07-06


      You need to set the transcoding tag enabled attribute to yes. You also need to add <transcode mimetype="video/x-divx" using="vlcmpeg"/> to the <mimetype-profile-mappings> section. The default MT config uses VLC transcoding video, so you need to install it.


    • cyomatics

      cyomatics - 2008-07-06

      Ok, after i installed vlc an edited the config.xml the MT wrote this:

      2008-07-06 15:26:42    INFO: Arguments: -I dummy %in --sout #transcode{venc=ffmpeg,vcodec=mp2v,vb=4096,fps=25,aenc=ffmpeg,acodec=mpga,ab=192,samplerate=44100,channels=2}:standard{access=file,mux=ps,dst=%out} vlc:quit
      VLC media player 0.8.6a Janus
      2008-07-06 15:26:44    INFO: Arguments: -I dummy %in --sout #transcode{venc=ffmpeg,vcodec=mp2v,vb=4096,fps=25,aenc=ffmpeg,acodec=mpga,ab=192,samplerate=44100,channels=2}:standard{access=file,mux=ps,dst=%out} vlc:quit
      VLC media player 0.8.6a Janus
      signal 2 received, terminating vlc - do it again in case it gets stuck
      signal 2 received, terminating vlc - do it again in case it gets stuck

      and the PS3 said: Broken File

      but when i start this files directly from network i can play the videos on a PC, therefore the couldn't be broken.


    • BT

      BT - 2008-07-07


      Can you please post your entire config.xml?


    • cyomatics

      cyomatics - 2008-07-07

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <config version="1" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
          <ui enabled="yes">
            <accounts enabled="no" session-timeout="30">
              <account user="mediatomb" password="mediatomb"/>
            <sqlite3 enabled="yes">
            <mysql enabled="no">
          <protocolInfo extend="yes"/>
          <!-- For PS3 support change to "yes" -->
             Uncomment the lines below to get rid of jerky avi playback on the
             DSM320 or to enable subtitles support on the DSM units
            <add header="X-User-Agent: redsonic"/>

          <!-- Uncomment the line below if you have a Telegent TG100 -->
        <import hidden-files="no">
          <scripting script-charset="UTF-8">
            <virtual-layout type="builtin">
            <extension-mimetype ignore-unknown="no">
              <map from="mp3" to="audio/mpeg"/>
              <map from="ogg" to="application/ogg"/>
              <map from="asf" to="video/x-ms-asf"/>
              <map from="asx" to="video/x-ms-asf"/>
              <map from="wma" to="audio/x-ms-wma"/>
              <map from="wax" to="audio/x-ms-wax"/>
              <map from="wmv" to="video/x-ms-wmv"/>
              <map from="wvx" to="video/x-ms-wvx"/>
              <map from="wm" to="video/x-ms-wm"/>
              <map from="wmx" to="video/x-ms-wmx"/>
              <map from="m3u" to="audio/x-mpegurl"/>
              <map from="pls" to="audio/x-scpls"/>
              <map from="flv" to="video/x-flv"/>
              <!-- Uncomment the line below for PS3 divx support -->
              <map from="avi" to="video/x-divx"/>
              <!-- Uncomment the line below for D-Link DSM / ZyXEL DMA-1000 -->
              <!-- <map from="avi" to="video/avi"/> -->
              <map from="audio/*" to="object.item.audioItem.musicTrack"/>
              <map from="video/*" to="object.item.videoItem"/>
              <map from="image/*" to="object.item.imageItem"/>
              <treat mimetype="audio/mpeg" as="mp3"/>
              <treat mimetype="application/ogg" as="ogg"/>
              <treat mimetype="audio/x-flac" as="flac"/>
              <treat mimetype="image/jpeg" as="jpg"/>
              <treat mimetype="audio/x-mpegurl" as="playlist"/>
              <treat mimetype="audio/x-scpls" as="playlist"/>
              <treat mimetype="audio/x-wav" as="pcm"/>
              <treat mimetype="audio/L16" as="pcm"/>
              <treat mimetype="video/x-msvideo" as="avi"/>
              <treat minetype="video/x-divx" as="avi"/>
        <transcoding enabled="yes">
            <transcode mimetype="video/x-flv" using="vlcmpeg"/>
            <transcode mimetype="application/ogg" using="vlcmpeg"/>
            <transcode mimetype="video/x-divx" using="vlcmpeg"/>
            <transcode mimetype="application/ogg" using="oggflac2raw"/>
            <transcode mimetype="audio/x-flac" using="oggflac2raw"/>
            <profile name="oggflac2raw" enabled="no" type="external">
              <agent command="ogg123" arguments="-d raw -f %out %in"/>
              <buffer size="1048576" chunk-size="131072" fill-size="262144"/>
            <profile name="vlcmpeg" enabled="yes" type="external">
              <agent command="vlc" arguments="-I dummy %in --sout
      #transcode{venc=ffmpeg,vcodec=divx,vb=4096,fps=25,aenc=ffmpeg,acodec=mpga,ab=192,samplerate=48000,channels=2}:standard{access=file,mux=ps,dst=%out} vlc:quit"/>
              <buffer size="14400000" chunk-size="512000" fill-size="120000"/>

    • BT

      BT - 2008-07-07


      You have set the VLC vcodec parameter to divx. This will not work as you can't stream transcoded AVI files. You need to change the vcodec parameter back to the default of mp2v.


    • cyomatics

      cyomatics - 2008-07-08

      No it doesn't work. First i tried with mp2v, mp4v and at the end with divx, but nothing worked.


    • BT

      BT - 2008-07-08


      There is no point in trying other codecs as only mp2v will work. Do you get the same error as before when you use mp2v? If your still using firmware 2.36 you might want to set the VLC samplerate parameter to 44100. Firmware 2.20 onwards broke transcoding for some people with certain types of files which appears to be fixed with 2.40. It appears that 2.41 is now available so I suggest you first update and try again.


    • cyomatics

      cyomatics - 2008-07-08

      Now I have updated my PS3 to firmware 2.41 and edited the config.xml:

      transcode{venc=ffmpeg,vcodec=mp2v,vb=4096,fps=25,aenc=ffmpeg,acodec=mpga,ab=192,samplerate=44100,channels=2}:standard{access=file,mux=ps,dst=%out} vlc:quit"/>
      <buffer size="14400000" chunk-size="512000" fill-size="120000"/>

      but the result was the same.


    • BT

      BT - 2008-07-09


      I tried your config.xml with the correct vcodec and it works for me. I suspect that VLC may be having issues when transcoding your files for some reason. Could you please run the following VLC command for about 10-15 seconds, and see if it can transcode your files without using MediaTomb. Make sure you substitute INPUT_FILE and OUTPUT_FILE with the correct values.

      vlc -vvv -I dummy INPUT_FILE --sout "#transcode{venc=ffmpeg,vcodec=mp2v,vb=4096,fps=25,aenc=ffmpeg,acodec=mpga,ab=192,samplerate=48000,channels=2}:standard{access=file,mux=ps,dst=OUTPUT_FILE.mpeg}" vlc:quit



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