
#468 MXF Video bit rate set from metadata, not elementary stream

mxf (2)

In File_Mxf::MPEG2VideoDescriptor_BitRate, the "MPEG2VideoDescriptor_BitRate" metadata value is allowed set the video stream's reported bit rate.

In cases where the metadata is corrupt or wrong, MediaInfo reports this bad value back to the user.

Wouldn't it be preferable for the descriptor to set "BitRate_Nominal" instead, and allow BitRate to be calculated as normal? This would allow the user to see cases where the metadata is wrong.

(This should probably apply to WaveAudioDescriptor_AvgBps too)


  • Jerome Martinez

    Jerome Martinez - 2015-05-15

    The official version of MediaInfo, in its default configuration, has not the goal to detect any non conformance or incoherencies.
    non conformance or incoherencies detection is an huge work, implementeation of such detection is done step by step (there is already some incoherencies detection), when there is sponsorship for it. And this one would always be deactivated by default (there is a need to parse the whole file).

    This is not a bug because MediaInfo shows a value from the file and expect the value to be the right one.
    Moved to feature requests

  • Jerome Martinez

    Jerome Martinez - 2015-05-15

    Ticket moved from /p/mediainfo/bugs/922/

  • Jerome Martinez

    Jerome Martinez - 2015-05-15


    Warning: non-paid feature request are set to low priority, I don't know when I have time to handle it.
    If you desire to accelerate the development, don't hesitate to contact me for a quotation.

  • Jerome Martinez

    Jerome Martinez - 2015-05-15
    • status: open --> open-accepted
    • assigned_to: Jerome Martinez
    • Group: Incorrect_result --> More_attribute

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