
Inconsistency in Metadata Shown in AIFF files

  • John A. Mozzer

    John A. Mozzer - 2014-02-27

    I am using MediaInfo v0.7.46 on my iMac with Mac OS 10.6.8.

    I am working on a project consisting of AIFF files, and using Audacity's metadata tag editor. The metadata that I am entering in all of the AIFF files includes Track number and Year. I am confused about MediaInfo being inconsistent about the metadata that it shows in the AIFF files created by exporting from Audacity. Usually, MediaInfo doesn't show Track number and Year. But on one it does, and for the life of me, I don't know what I did differently.

    iTunes displays all of the metadata on the ones that I've checked, leading me to think the issue has something to do with MediaInfo.

    The one AIFF file with the Track number and Year shown by MediaInfo is available for download at:

    For comparison, other AIFF files can be downloaded from the playlist:

  • Jerome Martinez

    Jerome Martinez - 2014-02-28

    I am using MediaInfo v0.7.46 on my iMac with Mac OS 10.6.8.

    Please always use the latest version before reporting issues

    Usually, MediaInfo doesn't show Track number and Year. But on one it does, and for the life of me, I don't know what I did differently.

    I tested files 112, 001, 002 and all of them have track number and year reported by MediaInfo latest version (on windows, but I am pretty sure it would be same on Mac).
    They are not different in the way metadata is embedded in the file.

    Please test with latest version and provide a file with no track number and year reported by MediaInfo latest version.

    • John A. Mozzer

      John A. Mozzer - 2014-03-01

      I've installed version 07.67 from the App Store.

      I am unable to replicate the problem.

      Thanks for your time, and sorry about that.


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