
[C] Problem on a program using MediaInfo.dll

  • mhgiraud

    mhgiraud - 2007-11-03

    I'm writening a little program to retrieve informations with mediainfo, informations used after by the program
    For this i have made a function getinfo() :

    #include "MediaInfoDLL.h" //Dynamicly-loaded library (.dll or .so)
    #include <iostream>
    #include <iomanip>

    using namespace MediaInfoLib;

    int getinfo (char * fichier)
        MediaInfo MI;
        char MiV[255];
        char VidCodec[255];
        char VidWidth[255];
        char VidHeight[255];
        char AudCodec0[255];
        char AudCodec1[255];
        char AudCodec2[255];
        char AudLanguage0[255];
        char AudLanguage1[255];
        char AudLanguage2[255];
        char SubLanguage0[255];
        char SubLanguage1[255];
        char SubLanguage2[255];
        // Récupération de la version de MediaInfo utilisée
        strcpy(MiV,MI.Option(_T("Info_Version"), _T(";MediaInfoDLL_Example_MSVC;")).c_str());
        //ouverture du fichier
            //récupération des variables
            strcpy(VidCodec,MI.Get(Stream_Video, 0, _T("Codec"), Info_Text, Info_Name).c_str());
            strcpy(VidWidth,MI.Get(Stream_Video, 0, _T("Width"), Info_Text, Info_Name).c_str());
            strcpy(VidHeight,MI.Get(Stream_Video, 0, _T("Height"), Info_Text, Info_Name).c_str());
            strcpy(AudCodec0,MI.Get(Stream_Audio, 0, _T("Codec"), Info_Text, Info_Name).c_str());
            strcpy(AudCodec1,MI.Get(Stream_Audio, 1, _T("Codec"), Info_Text, Info_Name).c_str());
            strcpy(AudCodec2,MI.Get(Stream_Audio, 2, _T("Codec"), Info_Text, Info_Name).c_str());
            strcpy(AudLanguage0,MI.Get(Stream_Audio, 0, _T("Language"), Info_Text, Info_Name).c_str());
            strcpy(AudLanguage1,MI.Get(Stream_Audio, 1, _T("Language"), Info_Text, Info_Name).c_str());
            strcpy(AudLanguage2,MI.Get(Stream_Audio, 2, _T("Language"), Info_Text, Info_Name).c_str());
            strcpy(SubLanguage0,MI.Get(Stream_Text, 0, _T("Language"), Info_Text, Info_Name).c_str());
            strcpy(SubLanguage1,MI.Get(Stream_Text, 1, _T("Language"), Info_Text, Info_Name).c_str());
            strcpy(SubLanguage2,MI.Get(Stream_Text, 2, _T("Language"), Info_Text, Info_Name).c_str());
        // Fermeture du fichier
        //Affichage des variables
        printf("Informations recuperee avec %s\n",MiV);
        printf("Codec Video : %s\n",VidCodec);
        printf("resolution %sx%s\n",VidWidth,VidHeight);
        printf("Codec Audio 0 : %s\n",AudCodec0);
        printf("Langage Audio 0 : %s\n",AudLanguage0);
        printf("Codec Audio 1 : %s\n",AudCodec1);
        printf("Langage Audio 1 : %s\n",AudLanguage1);
        printf("Codec Audio 2 : %s\n",AudCodec2);
        printf("Langage Audio 2 : %s\n",AudLanguage2);
        printf("Langage Sous-Titre 0 : %s\n",SubLanguage0);
        printf("Langage Sous-Titre 1 : %s\n",SubLanguage1);
        printf("Langage Sous-Titre 2 : %s\n",SubLanguage2);
        return 0;
    In my main program if i do :
        getinfo("Z:/Films/X-Men/X-Men 2/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_0.IFO");  
    it works perfectly
    and if i do:
        char urlfilm[255];
        char sousdossier[255];
        sprintf(sousdossier,"%s/","Z:/Films/X-Men/X-Men 2/VIDEO_TS");   
    it crashes on the second getinfo call with a segmentation fault
    I dont understand why for me it's quiet the same
    what have i done wrong in my getinfo ?

    • Jerome Martinez

      Jerome Martinez - 2007-11-04

      * Have you tried with the last version ( I corrected some memory problems in this version
      * Maybe the IFO parser crashes, I have corrected something in it with te last development snapshot:
        Please test this version
      * Limitation of 255 characters is a VERY BAD idea. returned strings are NOT limited, if you want to do copies, do it with strncpy(dest, src, 254); dest[254]='\0'
      * You use the C++ version of the interface, why not using std::string?
      * If always a crash, is it only with THIS file, or any? I this file only, I am interested in having it, please send it at


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