
CLI win 32

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    C:\1.avi -> C:\1.txt -mediainfo
    Example: mediainfo.exe ?

    • Jerome Martinez

      Jerome Martinez - 2006-12-16

      Please be more explicit, I understand nothing.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      How correctly to write in command line this task.
      To receive the information from ''c:\movie.avi'' in ''c:\textfile.txt''.

      This command does not work:
      mediainfo.exe -f c:\movie.avi >c:\textfile.txt

      • Jerome Martinez

        Jerome Martinez - 2006-12-16

        The command line you wrote is correct, this is how I do, and I have the wanted result.
        What is written in c:\textfile.txt?
        what is showed if you remove ">c:\textfile.txt"?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      The full information on a file.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      As a result the file does not appear.

      • Jerome Martinez

        Jerome Martinez - 2006-12-16

        And if you don't use the redirection :
        mediainfo.exe -f c:\movie.avi
        what is showed?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      There is window with infomation and quickly disappers.

      • Jerome Martinez

        Jerome Martinez - 2006-12-16

        What you describe is a problem of your Operating System, not MediaInfo.

        Be careful to your PATH setting, are MediaInfo.exe and MediaInfo.dll in this PATH, realy open a command line instead of trying to "launch" this command line etc...

        I can help about MediaInfo, not about Microsoft Windows.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      All has earned. Thanks.


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