
MKV Tag vs. Segment Title

  • ndjamena

    ndjamena - 2014-04-22

    MediaInfo seems to have started substituting the Tag name for the Movie Name/Title when it exists rather than using the MKV Segment Title. I use 3 levels of tags on TV show, level 50 for the episode, level 60 for the season and level 70 for the TVShow. I put the level 50 last because traditionally, that's the only one MediaInfo sees. Anyway, I've been using the Segement Header to store the filename (with non-file-system characters restored) that is formatted as "The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes - 01x01 - Iron Man is Born". I use the Segment Title in all my batch files to identify the Show/Season/Episode since I have no way of actually reading the tags short of MKVExtract (xml files are a bugger to process in batch). This new feature has pretty much destroyed my entire process, is there any way of targeting just the Segment Title through the dll?

  • Jerome Martinez

    Jerome Martinez - 2014-04-22

    I use 3 levels of tags on TV show, level 50 for the episode, level 60 for the season and level 70 for the TVShow.

    Looks like it is OK compared to specs.

    Anyway, I've been using the Segement Header to store the filename

    Not sure I understand how it is in the file.
    Please provide a sample file.

    This new feature has pretty much destroyed my entire process,

    Sorry about that.
    I don't have the time now to deal withe these issues, so I reverted the modification.
    development snapshot (version 20140422+)

    I'll work again on it in few months.

    is there any way of targeting just the Segment Title through the dll?

    Not sure, it depends about how I understand your file.
    If you want me to provide any data in your file, you must provide me some sample files, else you'll have again the same problem in few month when I work again on that.

    Please provide some samples of correctly tagged files.

  • ndjamena

    ndjamena - 2014-04-23

    (link removed by the admin)

    I realise The Segment Title and Level 50 tag are both essentially 'this' tags and that they are to an extent interchangeable, but Segement Title would seem to be a less specific 'this' Tag, and I use it as such. I may be wrong. Without it any other form of identification would become rather complicated. I may need to rework things a tad, but I need to know what's going on first.


    Last edit: Jerome Martinez 2014-04-23
  • Jerome Martinez

    Jerome Martinez - 2014-04-23

    Thanks for the file, now I see better what you mean.
    From my point of view, data is redundant between Segment Title and Level 50 tag, but it is not obvious.
    In your case, segment title can be computed from all other tags.
    If I correctly provide collection title / season number / episode number / episode title, it segment title still useful?

    When I correctly implement Matroska tags, I think title will be replaced by the episode title, but I am not yet sure at 100%. I could add an additional (hidden by default?) MediaInfo field with the segment title but I need to be convinced it is useful in the real world, for lot of people.

  • ndjamena

    ndjamena - 2014-04-23

    If can I extract the proper tags then, yes, the Segment Title will be redundant for those files with tags, BUT, my MKVs originate from MakeMKV, if you've ever used it, on the main screen you write in the NAME (ie segement title) and it copies that name as the filename (altered of course to omit spaces and non-file system characters). They don't come with tags. I guess the point is, what happens when there are no tags? How can I tell where the info comes from, for TV shows I can just test if there is a value in 'show', 'season' or 'episode' and if there isn't I can assume there are no tags, but for a movie, I'm not sure how I'd tell if there are tags or not, because I need to know if there are tags... I'm not sure I'm saying this right, you're proposing to hide the Segment Title unless there are no tags, how can I tell the difference? I have files where I did nothing but add one level 50 tag with the episode name, so that Mezzmo would use THAT instead of the horribly long name it was giving it. How would a program tell the difference between that and a movie... Sorry rambling, I don't know how to say what I'm trying to say. By default MakeMKV makes an MKV where the file name and Segment title are the same, giving a TV show a file name consisting only of an episode name would make sorting them a nightmare, I have to add the tags later, so I have files with and without tags, bah, I need to sort this out in my head and re-organise everything, I'll figure it out in time, but yes, I need access to the full tags first. confounded


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