
#925 libmediainfo fails to open unicode paths on Mac OS X



I've been playing with libmediainfo (latest) on Mac OS X opening files that contain unicode characters can't be opened by libmediainfo. I'm using JNA but I'm pretty sure the problem affects all bindings.

I've changed this
int Open(Pointer handle, WString file);
int Open(Pointer handle, Pointer file);
to avoid JNA conversion issues. I'm passing in a Pointer to a UTF-32LE null-terminated byte array. It works for paths that only contain ASCII characters but not for paths that contain unicode characters. I can see how characters like é might have multiple unicode representations e+` but characters like 你 simply don't work neither and in UTF-32 '你' should be just another codepoint just like 'a', but it only works with the latter.

There's something about opening files in the library that doesn't play well with unicode on Mac OS X.


  • Jerome Martinez

    Jerome Martinez - 2015-05-26

    Right :(.

  • Jerome Martinez

    Jerome Martinez - 2015-05-26
    • status: open --> open-accepted
    • assigned_to: Jerome Martinez
  • Jerome Martinez

    Jerome Martinez - 2015-05-26


    Warning: non-paid feature request are set to low priority, I don't know when I have time to handle it.
    If you desire to accelerate the development, don't hesitate to contact me for a quotation.

  • rednoah

    rednoah - 2015-05-26


  • Jerome Martinez

    Jerome Martinez - 2015-06-05

    upvoted by a donor May 27, thank you.

  • bohning

    bohning - 2019-04-20

    Glad that I have found this ticket. I have always wondered why my cross-platform tool works in Windows and Linux, but not in Mac for files that contain special characters. This explains why and the solution seems already be provided by @rednoah, so I would very much appreciate if this could be fixed in a future release. This is my upvote ;-)

    Thanks a lot for this great tool, Jerome!


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