
#578 problems and bugs in Export


There are many problems in Export dialog (alt-E):
1. CSV format defaults to semi-colon-separated, incompatible with Excel (I have 2003). It should default to comma-separated, and in any case the option should be consistent (remembered and recalled across application launches using registry/config file).
This is for both 'CSV' & 'Sheet' mode exports.
2. Exporting in 'CSV' format (1st tab) creates a file with more than 256 columns, again incompatible with Excel.
3. After exporting in 'CSV' format, column names in Sheet view become corrupt - they only contain the prefix (blank/audio#/video#), not the field name.
If current view is already sheet, refresh using View>Sheet to see problem.
This also affects subsequent exports in 'Sheet' mode - the created CSV file has corrupt column names.
Problem can be resolved by opening & closing preferences dialog (which resets the GUI).
4. Export dialog should warn before overwriting existing file (usability).
5. Export dialog should display error when writing fails, e.g. when file already exists and is opened in Excel.
Note: I am uploading my custom sheet template - I have not tested with the default sheet template.


  • Ashel

    Ashel - 2011-05-01

    custom sheet display template

  • Jerome Martinez

    Jerome Martinez - 2011-05-01


    Warning: non-paid bugs are set to low priority, I don't know when I have time to handle it.
    If you desire to accelerate the development, don't hesitate to contact me for a quotation.

  • Jerome Martinez

    Jerome Martinez - 2011-05-01
    • status: open --> open-accepted
  • Jerome Martinez

    Jerome Martinez - 2011-05-01

    Thank you for your feedback about user experience
    This part of the GUI must definitely be completely rewritten. :(, I'll take care of your comments when I do it. But do not expect it soon, people who pay me to improve MediaInfo are not a lot interested by this part.

  • Ashel

    Ashel - 2011-05-01

    That's OK. I'm in no hurry, since I can work around the problems, or even without exporting at all. Just wanted to make sure the problems are known.
    Thank you!

  • Ashel

    Ashel - 2011-05-01

    One more thing :-)
    6. The 'General/Duration/String3' is exported without hours.

  • Jerome Martinez

    Jerome Martinez - 2011-05-01

    Please open another ticket, this is a different problem. Else I'll miss it.


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