
MD5Revolution / News: Recent posts

From the ground up...

The "MD5Converter" will be rewritten from the ground up. The whole new program is called: MD5Revolution.

The new program language isn't defined yet, but ones is already sure, MD5Revolution will be compatible with GNU/Linux & Windows. MacOS-Support will come in later versions.

Some of the new features are:
- Local database
- Cracking MD5 checksums
and so on.

More information are available under:

Posted by X303|Project 2008-09-11

ConsoleMD5Converter - Ver. 0.2 released

The MD5Converter has the the job to convert an entered string into a MD5 checksum and to compare two MD5 checksums or strings with each other. (Ver. 0.2) For more information please visit: --> Development Center

Posted by X303|Project 2008-04-03