
Issues with a latent variable model

Drew Tyre
  • Drew Tyre

    Drew Tyre - 2012-05-30

    Hi all,

    I'm running a model with a large latent variable matrix representing
    population size in each year for several size classes.

    var lambda[T], N[T,A];
    model {
        # Constant p, constant S model
        # main matrix remains in age by year form
        # N[] is the matrix of latent population size
        # C[] is the matrix of losses by age and year (observed)
        # T is the maximium years, A is maximum age class 
        # X[] is a vector of total observed mortality for initial cohort
        # initial year handled differently 
        for (a in 1:A){
            C[1,a] ~ dbin(1/(1+exp(-p0)),trunc(N[1,a]))
        } # end loop over A
        lambda[1] <- sum((N[1,2:A] - C[1,2:A])*exp(f0))
        for (t in 2:T){
            N[t,1] ~ dpois(lambda[t-1]) # recruitment
            for (a in 2:(A-1)){
                N[t,a] ~ dbin(1/(1+exp(-S0)),trunc(N[t-1,a-1]))
                C[t,a] ~ dbin(1/(1+exp(-p0)),trunc(N[t,a]))
            }   # end loop over A
            lambda[t] <- sum((N[t,2:A] - C[t,2:A])*exp(f0))
            N[t,A] ~ dbin(1/(1+exp(-S0)),trunc(N[t-1,A-1]+N[t-1,A]))
            C[t,A] ~ dbin(1/(1+exp(-p0)),trunc(N[t,A]))
        }   # end loop over T
        # priors on N for all ages at initial time? 
        for (a in 1:A){
            N[1,a] ~ dunif(X[a],1000)   
        # Other priors
        p0 ~ dnorm(-1.15268,13.7) # prior drawn from Cooley etal 2009, Hunting mortality rate for heavily hunted area
        S0 ~ dnorm(1.516347,13.7) # prior drawn from Cooley etal 2009, 1-natural mortality rate for heavily hunted area
        f0 ~ dnorm(0,1)

    I run the model using rjags and the following script

    # Run basic model
    if (!require(rjags)) stop("Install the rjags package first.")
    data.list = list(C = C, T = T, A = A, X = X)
    inits.list = list(list(N=matrix(rep(initN-50,times=T),byrow=TRUE,ncol=A),p0=-1,S0=1,f0=0),
    # setup to run 3 chains
    model.MpS <- jags.model("tyre-jagsmodel2-2012-5-24.r",data=data.list,inits=inits.list,n.chains=3)
    # this works
    MpS.samples = coda.samples(model.MpS,c("N","p0","S0","f0"),1000) # looks good
    # but I get warnings and errors on 
    # and there are missing values in the time series SE column
    # takes a while - go get coffee
    MpS.samples = coda.samples(model.MpS,c("N","p0","S0","f0"),100000)
    # this crashes everything (including Rgui) at the end of the run

    I run into a few issues when I run the model, especially if I do a very long
    run. Short runs give all sorts of warnings and errors when I look at the
    summary. Long runs (100000 iterations) are needed because this model doesn't
    mix well, but this version crashes Rgui at the end of long runs.

    One strange thing - when I use list.samplers(model.MpS) I find that one entry
    in the matrix N has no sampler associated with it - N. This node doesn't seem
    to update after I call jags.model(...) - it still has the initial value
    associated with it. However it does seem to update after calling
    coda.samples(...) .

    Slaps on the wrist, comments, insights all welcome. Thank you.

    The file 'testdata.Rdata' (0 KB) is available for download at

    < >

    for the next 14 days.

    It will be removed after Wednesday, June 13, 2012.

  • Drew Tyre

    Drew Tyre - 2012-05-30

    The error message when Rgui crashes is from the Microsoft C++ library, and
    says something like "the application has requested a shutdown in an unusual

    Very helpful!

  • Drew Tyre

    Drew Tyre - 2012-06-04

    OK, so I'm glad no one has responded, because I'm a victim of my own
    ignorance. The crash at the end is a memory problem - if I aggresively thin
    the samples it goes away. I have to do that anyway, so no harm done. The issue
    with the missing samplers has to do with me goofing and not including part of
    the observed data for the first age class.

    Now that I've fixed that, I have other issues, but JAGS is now asking me to
    submit a bug report, so I'll go do that!


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