
saving jags updates

  • JY Barnagaud

    JY Barnagaud - 2012-04-11

    Hi all

    My model runs in Jags take >10h to complete and my lab faces electrical
    failures -> is there any way to save jags outputs regularly?

    I've tried by updating my model by short number of iterations and saving my R
    session, yet if I close/reopen the session and want to rerun the model it
    seems that it has to be recompiled - and thus I guess all the previous updates
    are lost, right?

    I also guess that running short chains (~1000 it) with jags.samples() and
    combine subsequently all the chains into a single one is methodologically
    absurd isn't it?

    Is there a solution (apart from praying for no power failure for 20h or
    running the model on a laptop?

    many thanks!

  • Jack Tanner

    Jack Tanner - 2012-04-11

    I also guess that running short chains (~1000 it) with jags.samples() and
    combine subsequently all the chains into a single one is methodologically
    absurd isn't it?

    That doesn't sound absurd to me. But it would have to be after the adaptation

    I don't think it makes a difference to say that you have 10k samples from each
    of 3 chains vs. 3k samples from each of 10 chains.

    Note that you'd have to have a function that combines mcarray objects (in
    which case, please share).

    You could also look into parallelizing your JAGS

    But the easiest thing to do may be to run on a remote machine not subject to
    power failures, like, say, AWS.

  • Tim Handley

    Tim Handley - 2012-04-12

    If you have multiple pieces of the same chain, then it's fine to combine
    them sequentially. However, if you're having to recompile the model, then I
    think you're making multiple different chains, each from a different set of
    initial values. In this latter case, you probably don't want to combine chains
    sequentially. During the first part of a chain, the sampler is converging on
    the proper distribution, this is the burnin-period. You want to be able to
    clip this out. If you combine different chains in a sequential manner, then
    you'll have your burnin-samples mixed in with your converged-samples. If you
    really wanted, you could clip out the burnin section from each chain, and then
    combine the remaining portions sequentially, but I think there are easier ways
    to do this.

    If you generate samples from within R, using coda.samples(), then the result
    is an mcmc.list object. This is essentially a list of chains that were run
    with the same parameters. As such, you can add chains to the list using the
    c() function. You can then plot the combined mcmc.list using the coda package,
    see where the burnin period ends, and use the window() function (also in coda)
    to clip the burnin section out from each chain. Like this:

    ##give three mcmc.lists, out1, out2, out3, each generated from coda.samples in the same way
    output.combo = c(out1, out2, out3)
    plot(output.combo, ask=TRUE)
    output.combo.keep = window(output.combo, start={length of burnin}, stop = {# samples in each chain})

    Many short chains can be less efficient than one long chain. Say it takes 500
    iterations for chains to converge

    ) If you have 10K samples from each of 3 chains, then you lose the first 500
    iterations from each chain, and end up with 10K3 - 5003 = 28.5K converged-

    ) If you have 3K samples from each of 10 chains, then you again lose the first
    500 iterations from each chain, and end up with 3K10 - 50010 = 25K

    This may or may not be important, depending on the particulars of your model.

    Have you considered renting computing time from the cloud? Those people (e.g.
    Amazon) usually have backup systems to ensure uninterrupted computing.

  • Jack Tanner

    Jack Tanner - 2012-04-13

    My impression was that samples from the adaptation phase were automatically
    omitted from jags.samples output (which is also used by coda.samples). No need
    for manual clipping. If you see from the traceplot that you need a longer
    burn-in period, just increase the adaptation phase.

    At that point you have to figure out whether you prefer to combine mcarray
    objects or mcmc.list objects. Both are totally feasible.

    Otherwise, I'm in full agreement with Tim.


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