
Correlated binomials in JAGS

  • Arnaud

    Arnaud - 2015-10-27

    Dear JAGS users,

    I am searching a way to produce correlated random numbers sampled from several binomial distributions in JAGS.
    In R, I use normal copula to correlate samples from several binomials, however, I do not know how to do that in JAGS.

    Any help would be appreciated,


    Last edit: Arnaud 2015-10-27
  • Martyn Plummer

    Martyn Plummer - 2015-10-29

    Something like this:

    Model file "copula.bug"

    model {
       ## Set up prior for bivariate normal.
       # Mean vector
       zero[1] <- 0
       zero[2] <- 0
       # Variance-covariance matrix
       Sigma.X[1,1] <- 1
       Sigma.X[1,2] <- rho
       Sigma.X[2,1] <- rho
       Sigma.X[2,2] <- 1
       # Precision matrix
       Tau.X <- inverse(Sigma.X)
       ## Correlated bivariate normal
       X[1:2] ~ dmnorm(zero, Tau.X)
       ## Correlated uniforms
       p[1] <- pnorm(X[1], 0, 1)
       p[2] <- pnorm(X[2], 0, 1)
       ## Set up breaks for transformation to binomial
       for (i in 1:N) {
          breaks[i] <- pbin(i-1, prob, N)
       ## Transform to binomial
       Y[1] ~ dinterval(p[1], breaks)
       Y[2] ~ dinterval(p[2], breaks)

    R script:

    m <- jags.model("copula.bug", data=list(rho = 0.5, N=5, prob=0.3))
    s <- coda.samples(m, "Y", n.iter=10000)[[1]]
    # Marginal distributions are correct
    table(rbinom(10000, prob=0.3, size=5))
    # Binomials are correlated
    cor(s[,1], s[,2])
  • Arnaud

    Arnaud - 2015-10-29

    Thanks Martyn, I will have to take time to study your answer !!

  • Arnaud

    Arnaud - 2015-10-30

    Thanks a lot, it's exactly what I need.
    Much appreciated !

  • Arnaud

    Arnaud - 2017-02-23

    Hi Martyn,

    Long time since I tried to use your suggestion.
    Here is a slightly modified version that fit my needs

    for (year in 1:5){
       # Mean vector
       for (i in 1:length(prob[,year])){
         zero[year,i] <- 0
       # Variance-covariance matrix
       for (i in 1:length(prob[,year])){
         for(j in 1:length(prob[,year])){
           Sigma.X[year,i,j] <- ifelse(i == j, 1, rho)
       ## Correlated bivariate normal
       X[year, 1:length(prob[,year])] ~ dmnorm(zero[year,], inverse(Sigma.X[year,,]))  #inverse(Sigma.X[year,,]) is the precision matrix
       ## Correlated uniforms
       for (i in 1:length(prob[,year])){
         p[year,i] <- pnorm(X[year,i], 0, 1)
       ## Set up breaks for transformation to binomial
       for (j in 1:length(prob[,year])){
         for (i in 1:max(size[,year])) {
            breaks[year,j,i] <- ifelse(i > size[j,year], 999, pbin(i-1, prob[j,year], size[j,year]))
         ## Transform to binomial
         n[year,j] ~ dinterval(p[year,j], breaks[year,j,1:size[j,year]])
         probSample[year,j] <- n[year,j] / size[j,year]
    #  ## fitting
    # for (year in 1:5){
    #  obsProb[year] ~ dnorm(probSample[year,3], 1000)
    #  }

    The R script:

    size <- matrix(rep(50,15), nrow=3)
    prob <- matrix(rep(c(0.2,0.5,0.8), each=5), nrow=3, byrow=T)
    obsProb <- rep(0.8,5)
    m <- jags.model("C:/temp/modelCOPULA.bug", data=list(rho = 0.7, size=size, prob=prob, obsProb=obsProb))
    s <- coda.samples(m, c("probSample"), n.iter=10000)[[1]]
    cor(s[,substring(colnames(s),1,13) == "probSample[2,"])  #test correlation for year 2
    hist(s[,substring(colnames(s),1,14) == "probSample[2,1"], breaks=20, xlim=c(0,1)); hist(s[,substring(colnames(s),1,14) == "probSample[2,2"], breaks=20, xlim=c(0,1)); hist(s[,substring(colnames(s),1,14) == "probSample[2,3"], breaks=20, xlim=c(0,1))

    For each of my 5 years, the model gives me three proportions sampled from correlated binomials (each of them having a defined mean). The correlation between the binomial is given.

    In the current version, the "fitting" portion of the code is not active. In this case, no problem, the correlation among the proportion sampled for the binomial correspond to the one given as rho (always just a little lower).

    Now, here is my problem. In activating the "fitting" portion of the code, I include observed proportions for each year and I make a link with the sampled one (including a normal error). In that case, the correlation no longer exists (just run the code removing the comments in front of the "fitting" part and look at the correlation at year 2, for example).

    How can I do to keep the correlation in that case ?
    In fact, I thought that the fitting would have updated the information in the three binomials, but keeping the correlation.

    Any idea ??



    Last edit: Arnaud 2017-02-23
  • Arnaud

    Arnaud - 2017-03-10

    Dears JAGS users,

    Sorry to insist on this subject, but I hope finding a way to solve my problem.
    Thanks to Martyn Plummer, I have a solution to produce correlated samples from binomials distributions (see above).
    However, when fitting samples from one of the distributions to some "observed values", the correlation between binomials samples disappear.
    In fact, it seems that the distribution of the binomial for which I provide "observed" values is updated (perfect), but samples from the other binomial distributions are no longer correlated.

    Is their a way to maintain this correlation even when fitting to "observed" data?




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