

  • Mark Snelling

    Mark Snelling - 2010-04-06

    I'm very interested in using this library but am constrained to the Microsoft Windows platform using the MSVC compiler. Do you have any plans to add support for this platform and tool chain?

    Even better, have you thought about supporting the Boost.Threading library. By using this you make your library cross-platform automatically. For the atomic operations there is a proposed Boost.Atomic library that will be released soon.

    Even btter still, have you thought about sumitting this library to boost? :)

  • Marco Aldinucci

    Marco Aldinucci - 2011-04-03

    If you still interested, revision 31 on svn can be used on the windows platform and it supports generation of VS projects via cmake. It is currently at beta stage,  it is tested only on Win7 x86_64 VisualStudio 10, and performance should be still extensively tested. The Windows version is based on light (and partial) porting of pthreads and atomic onto windows native calls.The pthread wrapping can be substituted with any real pthread library for win.

    I really apologies I forget to answer to this post. I've probably delayed because I was expecting to have a Win port much before, then I forget to answer.

    Submitting to boost is a very good idea. We will consider it as soon as we will have a decent documentation, we are currently working to document the code with doxygen and write a programming tutorial.



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