
Corporate Mayhem Milestone Update

Features added so far:
- Added support for lightmaps in the editor
- Added support for NPC level-of-detail
- Pedestrians no longer walk on roads and properly use zebra crossings
- It is possible now to set areas in the editor where NPCs ignore collision, f.ex. to allow NPCs to enter buildings
- Added agent pathfinding algorithm, usable by NPC agents and possibly in the future by player agents
- Various small bug fixes and optimizations

All in all, things seem to be progressing quite well. Thanks to the new NPC LOD and optimizations to the pedestrian movement routine, it is now possible to have over 2000 pedestrians in a city while still maintaning playble frame rates.

Next I'll be adding some lights to take advantage of lightmapping. After that I should be able to set the final format of 3D objects and everything that is needed in it, so I can start adding new objects and buildings without needing to worry about having to redo some of them to accomodate for new features.

New screenshots added:

Posted by Heikki 2005-10-08

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