
Tree [r7] /

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File Date Author Commit
 +Algo 2012-05-02 rat-fou [r2] Initial import
 +Config 2012-05-06 rat-fou [r7] Update the startup template.
 +Data 2012-05-02 rat-fou [r2] Initial import
 +Files 2012-05-02 rat-fou [r2] Initial import
 +Geom 2012-05-04 rat-fou [r6] Improvement of the G coder, and minor fixes
 +Images 2012-05-02 rat-fou [r2] Initial import
 +Net 2012-05-02 rat-fou [r2] Initial import
 +Signal 2012-05-02 rat-fou [r2] Initial import
 +Stat 2012-05-04 rat-fou [r6] Improvement of the G coder, and minor fixes
 +System 2012-05-04 rat-fou [r6] Improvement of the G coder, and minor fixes
 +Text 2012-05-02 rat-fou [r2] Initial import
 +Time 2012-05-04 rat-fou [r6] Improvement of the G coder, and minor fixes
 +Version 2012-05-02 rat-fou [r2] Initial import
 +Visu 2012-05-02 rat-fou [r2] Initial import
 Toolbox 2012-05-02 rat-fou [r2] Initial import
 README.txt 2012-05-02 rat-fou [r5] Describe Linux installation process in README
 TODO.txt 2012-05-04 rat-fou [r6] Improvement of the G coder, and minor fixes

Read Me

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	Created and maintained by R. Candelier
	Laboratoire Jean Perrin, Paris, France

   The Matlab-box (or Mbox) is a collection of m-files enhancing Matlab's 
experience. It provides several useful tools for scientist, engineers and 
students. The tools range from very simple functions to very developped 
classes and high-level gestion of Matlab's interface. A transparent gestion
of Matlab's path is provided in a project-oriented architecture.

=== Installation ===========================================================

--- SVN --------------------------------------------------------------------

   To install the Mbox on your system, the simplest way is to use subversion.


   To install subversion on Ubuntu, simply type in the shell: 

~$ sudo apt-get install subversion

   Then, to install the Mbox you just have to go in the directory that will
contain the Mbox and type:

~$ svn checkout svn://

and a directory 'mbox' is created, containing the most up-to date version
of the Mbox. Rename it to Mbox:

~$mv mbox Mbox

   This directory (the root of the Mbox) will be called ~Mbox in the 


   Not sure yet.

--- Local configuration

   Then you need to complete the installation by editing your startup file, 
located in ~MATLABROOT/toolbox/local/startup.m. This file may not exist.
Copy the file ~Mbox/+Config/startup_template.m at this location, and modify 
it to make it fit your local system installation.

Restart Matlab and that's it !

--- Other methods ----------------------------------------------------------

   There is no other method than SVN at the moment. Anyway no other method
would benefit from the SVN versioning.

=== Usefull shortcuts ======================================================

   Here is a list of shortcuts that can be usefull to define:

- Startup:      startup
- Init:         Config.init();
- Local:        config.local();
- Last error:   last_error(MException.last);