
Master Aquarium Controller / News: Recent posts

Website UP!!!

well....I got the basic website going will start tweaking on it today and this hopefully, my plan is to post some pictorial ideas up on web site...maybe some work flows... or state diagrams, and some possible cad drawings and schematics...

Posted by Jeff Barnaby 2007-08-17

Hardware Components Defined

k....check the forums I think I got all the hardware components defined....and I think next I will come up with a drawing or two to really convey what I am thinking of this project. I really need to work on the web site too...cuz I think that is the only way I can put up a drawing or schematic....I am hoping to put everything in pdf form as well.

Posted by Jeff Barnaby 2007-08-14

getting started...

Well still in the planning stage...about half of the hardware modules are sort of planned out in terms of what I want them to do and all....that of course is the easy part...the hard part will come to the development part...but I really want to learn this stuff and I think this is a good project to do it on.

I plan on getting the website going here in the next couple of days it will start out really really simple...but it at least will be a start. ... read more

Posted by Jeff Barnaby 2007-08-12

Project Kick-Off

well this project is finally kicking off....the bottles of tequila have been opened...and now the real planning will commence....

Basically this project is going to be a Microchip based PIC project in which to control a home reef aquarium. I say home reef because I am not quite sure if there is that much difference in a 20gal versus a 20,000 gallon tank other than scale of components that will have to be used. ... read more

Posted by Jeff Barnaby 2007-08-10