
#10 Link Layer error


I feel there is a need for another error:
Problem with establishing connection with host, or,
Unable to negotiate options with host

When Client and host are negotiating the LCP options
that they support, there is the possibility that no match
can be found. For example, a host only supports CHAP
protocol and the PPP link layer only supports PAP.

In this case, LCPTerminateRequest is sent by the host
and ACK'd by the PPP LL. The PPP LL needs to then
report the link failure to the calling program.

The current errors able to be returned by PPP Link Layer
LinkError - Unknown problem with the link layer
NoLinkInterface - No dial tone or similar
NoLinkResponse - No modem answer or similar
BadUserPass - Invalid Username and/or password

I feel that the available error codes do not adequately
describe the problem to the user. It's not an unknown
problem with the Link Layer, it will keep happening and
repeat attempts are futile. Somehow this needs to be
communicated to the user.

I'm open as to whether this new error should be general
or specific.

Obviously, existing higher level applications (e.g. CDEV)
will need to be modified to support this error.


  • Andrew Roughan

    Andrew Roughan - 2005-04-15

    Logged In: YES

    To avoid having to add several new errors for different Link
    Layers in future, perhaps the API can be extended to return a
    generic error that indicates that the application should ask
    the Link Layer for the text of the error message?

  • Andrew Roughan

    Andrew Roughan - 2006-02-08

    Logged In: YES

    Also need to investigate the possibility of requiring a
    new error to raise when a retry count has been exceeded.
    Source: handwritten note to myself


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