
Question about Probabilistic Parser with CYK

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hello, I downloaded marf-0.3.0-devel-20060226.jar and the zip that contains Probabilistic Parser. The problem is that I don't know how to use it in order to create a project that shows how CYK is working.
    Thank you for your time.

    • Serguei A. Mokhov


      You have downloaded just the algorithm implementation.
      To see how it's used, download the corresponding application
      that uses the algorithm implementation to test different
      cases (called ProbabilisticParsingApp):

      There you will find the source code, sample grammars and


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thank you for your reply. I have another question and this is: is there an implementation for the outside CYK (or inside CYK)? (probabilities in these cases are computed like in the "inside-outside" algorithm)

      • Serguei A. Mokhov

        Hi again,

        MARF doesn't have the inside-outside implementation per-se.
        You can find one linked from the Wikipedia article:

        and there, there is a reference to an open-source implementation
        by Mark Johnson:

        It seems it is in C++. You can convert it to Java.
        You are invited to contribute it to MARF if you
        do the implementation or re-writing yourself. Please
        let me know.



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