Hi Serguei,

I read am doing an installation where i need to find out if someone is speaking a vowel into a microphone and if yes than which one. After trying out sphinx which is seems to be a slight overkill for my problem i found MARF and it appears to be good for my needs.
I read the pdf describing all elements of MARF. And based on your SpeakerIdent-application i wrote my little program. So far i go everything running. the testing part and the recognition part, but the recognition isnt really reliable. something between 40 - 50%.
These are my settings:
Is there any way to get better results?
I also need to find out some characteristics of the voice of the talking person, like pitch, amplitude etc... i thought that i may can grab some values from the LPC but i couldnt find out which value is for the pitch period. Or am i wrong here? Could you explain me in just a couple of words how the vector of the 20 elements is built up?

Thanks for an answer
