
Question re: Ctrl+Move target

  • CCV

    CCV - 2015-07-25

    Holding down Ctrl key and clicking Move target does something other than normal Move target.
    Sometimes it seems it rotates and zooms, other times I'm not sure exactly what it does - maybe moves more than the specified step.
    Doesn't appear to affect Move Camera & Target, last time I checked.

    My question being: Is this intended behaviour?

    Even if it is, I think there's a bug in the works.
    After using Ctr+Move target, normal Move target doesn't work properly. When panning the image is rotated as well.
    I'll do a few more tests before thinking about posting an official bug report as I am not able to reproduce the problem currently.

  • CCV

    CCV - 2015-07-27

    Never mind. Ctr+Move target apparently has no effect on Move target. It is something else causing the navigation issues I'm experiencing.

    It may be that my installation has become corrupted somehow.
    My initial experience was that having "Move target" selected and using "Rotate camera around target" (pitch and yaw) effectively rotated the target on the spot.
    It doesn't work like that any more, and it is precisely this arrangement that messes up straight out "Move target" afterward. Vertical moves look ok but horizontal rotates target as well.
    The bigger problem comes in after I switch to "Move camera and target" (to zoom) and back to "Move target". After that, Move target does all sorts of crazy things - too many for me to list right now.
    A few times I found switching Camera control to "Move camera" then works like Move target should, and after messing with that Move target works properly again. Maybe not 100% of the time, but, then, I don't remember exactly what else I might've done when it didn't work.

    This is in addition to the matter of using mouse click to move camera with Move target selected, as I reported elsewhere. Still, likely related I would think.

    I did reinstall Mandelbulber, but it wasn't an entirely clean install apparently. For one thing, it remembered my Save window state. Where might that be stored on Windows 8.1?

    Also, the install didn't create a new "settings" folder and was looking to save settings in Program Files > Mandelbulber.

  • CCV

    CCV - 2015-07-27

    A few more files weren't created on reinstall. I found them in my backup of the original .../user/mandelbulber folder: .default, log.txt and mandelbulber_settings.

    I have no idea of their function, of course, but copied them back anyway.

    One outcome seems to be I can again rotate target on the spot, using the settings as described.
    The subsequent problems remain.

  • CCV

    CCV - 2015-07-27

    This is about as bad as it gets - examples attached.
    I don't often see diagonal movement using vertical button, but what is happening here is I keep pressing the same vertical button and the image jumps backwards and forwards between the same two positions.
    Diagonal movement is more common with horizontal, plus some obvious rotation.

    Besides this, it sometimes seem move target goes too far, sometimes moves by such a minuscule amount it takes 10 clicks to discern that it is moving at all and sometimes it moves not at all.


    Last edit: CCV 2015-07-28
  • CCV

    CCV - 2015-07-28

    I have to make a correction,
    Today I find there is not one single sequence of operations causing Move target to misbehave.

    Simply switching from "Move camera and target" to "Move target" is enough to cause problems with Moving target. At the very least target rotates noticeably when moving horizontally. Or, maybe Move target just messes up eventually anyway. Who knows?

    This is all tested on newly rendered default Mandelbulb. (It's possible, and I think I noticed before, program generally works better from loaded setting. Not always tho, and I might check that out too...)
    Anyway, Move target right off the bat does nothing. Move target+Zoom doesn't do anything at any time, that I can see, hence the need to use Move camera and target first.
    One exception, once Move target+Zoom out caused the target to disappear from view. Zoom out again brought it back to exactly the same position.
    After that, inexplicably, Move target horizontal and vertical worked properly - as expected, that is.

    Something altogether screwy about this which I don't understand in the least.
    I merely report as I find.

  • CCV

    CCV - 2015-07-29

    There is one 'method' almost guaranteed to stuff up Move target as illustrated in attachments.
    This time, after mouse click to move camera, Move target appeared to do nothing.
    It was actually moving the target, but took 32 clicks to move the distance shown.

  • CCV

    CCV - 2015-07-29

    Managed to get unstuck. The process seems to be:
    Switch to "Move camera and target", Mouse click to move camera and Zoom (or Pan) a couple times. Then "Move target" works OK, but..

    Damn, and blast!
    Soon as I found a spot I liked, Mandelbulber crashed. ;(
    I just wish there was some way to retrieve Settings when that happens.

    It crashed not straight away but after increasing image size x4 (as I usually do), then Render, remove Basic fog and Render again and then remove Fog based on distance and Render again. This process to reveal dark background, which looked better to me. Forgot to change Detail level - normally /4 when image x4.

    The Faulting module, this time, was Qt5Widgets.dll.

    Faulting application name: mandelbulber2.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x554daab5
    Faulting module name: Qt5Widgets.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x54ce6489
    Exception code: 0xc0000005
    Fault offset: 0x00000000000176bf
    Faulting process ID: 0x2948
    Faulting application start time: 0x01d0c98a3b532672
    Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\Mandelbulber v2 win64\mandelbulber2.exe
    Faulting module path: C:\Program Files\Mandelbulber v2 win64\Qt5Widgets.dll
    Report ID: 117beb46-358c-11e5-82d1-5435304d8ed6
    Faulting package full name:
    Faulting package-relative application ID:

  • CCV

    CCV - 2015-08-08

    Not like I didn''t think of it sooner. Wish I had done it sooner.
    Anyway, the app needs to be Maximised, and/or Navigation Dock expanded to show all the numbers. This is close enough, hopefully, given I had already saved a spot near it as starting point.
    Tons of tedious typing tho. :/


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