

Nicolas Le Novère Dagmar Waltemath

The Mathematical Modelling Ontology (MAMO) is a classification of the types of mathematical models used in the life sciences (for the time being), the type of variables they use, the readout that can be expected and other relevant features.

MAMO is currently being developed by members of the COMBINE initiative for computational modeling in biology. The lastest version of the ontology is available at bioportal.

If you wish to contribute to MAMO development, please consider:

  • to have a look at the list of term requests and comment on them, or add further terms through the tickets
  • to sign up to the mailing list for discussions related to MAMO development, and contribute to it.
  • we also provide our meeting minutes online through Google Drive.

Ontology structure | Scope of MAMO | Expectations | Showcases

Project launch: February 2013

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