Nathan Sweet - 2004-04-06

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What do you think about this:

Start the MAMEoX launcher as normal. Right after the ROM
list has been drawn, retrieve from the command line the name
of the ROM we want to start. Find this ROM in the list and
simulate a user pressing A to start it.

This may be a bit of a hacky way to implement this, but it (in
theory) should have the least impact on the code.

As for retrieving from the command line the name of the ROM
we want to start, I found a comment in the NFO file for the
PCSXBox emulator saying that there was code to do this in a
file named "custom_launch_params.cpp". I searched and
found a link to a file that does seem to have this info, though
it is C++ and so doesn't make a lot of sense to me. You can
view the file here...