
Temporary targets?

  • Michael Lachmann


    I have two related questions, or maybe one of them will turn out to be a feature request.
    I'm using makepp to make huge files. In order to save disk space, instead of creating temporary files, I'd like to create temporary pipes. This means that to create file1 I need to create pipe1, pipe2 and pipe3. When file1 is finished building, I'd like to remove the pipes. That is the only mechanism I know for makepp to know if behind a pipe there's a command waiting to spew out data. I.e. it creates the pipe, runs the command to put data into it, and then after everything is done reoves the pipe. Or maybe there's a better way?

    The second question is for a similar reason, disk space. Say file1 creates temporary file (i.e. in this case not pipes) temp1, and from temp1 I create result1, result2 and result3.
    Now, what I'd like to have is that after result1 and 2 and 3 are created from temp1, temp1 is removed.
    But, I'd also like to be able to say that say result3 also depends on temp1, but since I haven't yet specified how to make result3 the file temp1 shouldn't yet be removed. I.e. in this case making result1 and result2 is not enough to remove temp1.
    The reason is that I'm debugging making result1 and result2, but haven't yet worked on 3. Once everything works, I'd like the temporary files to be automatically removed, but not before.
    Are these possible?


  • Daniel Pfeiffer

    Daniel Pfeiffer - 2011-12-06

    Hi gently,

    I suppose you mean named pipes (fifos)?  At least on Linux their time stamp changes when they are used, so with a rule option :build_check target_newer you should be fine.  Not sure why you'd delete the fifos…

    As for your second, there is $(temporary file) which declares file as disappearing.  But this is only for within a rule, if the lexer or command parser detects that the rule creates some file (implicit target), but not that it will delete it before finishing.  Otoh, inter-rule dependencies must remain, at least if you want to run mpp again on the same build tree.  This is necessary for guaranteed correct builds, because otherwise mpp can't check that some target is still up to date, leading to rebuilds.

    regards - Daniel

  • Michael Lachmann

    Thank you for the reply!
    I am just trying to work with pipes in a way that looks nice and works.
    What I'm trying to recreate is bash's feature:

    command1 <(command2) <(command3) >result

    By which bash easily allows one to replace files as input for commands with a pipe from a second command.
    I thought I'd do

    mkfifo pipe1; command2 >pipe1
    mkfifo pipe2; command3 >pipe2
    command1 pipe1 pipe2 >result

    And I wanted to delete the pipes so that I always know that if there is a pipe, then there must be a command waiting to push data in it. (Otherwise I might wait forever for a command that never starts)

    Oh, but I think I understand what you say. If the pipe is older than the files that create it, then the command will be run…. hmmm the problem is that a pipe can be read just once, so once I need it again, I need to 'make it old' so it is run again.

    Anyway, this whole scheme didn't work in the end, because the pipes are non-blocking, so command1 finds nothing and exits. For now I use an external bash script with

    command1 <(command2) <(command3) >result

    Though because of this I forgo some of the coolness of makepp.

    And if someone is already listening… (I hope..)

    I had problems with giving the command "join" a separator 'tab' inside a makefile for makepp.
    It is hard enough from bash. I use

    join -t $'\t' ....

    But from inside my makefile I just couldn't make it work.

  • Michael Lachmann

    OK, I partially solved my problem.
    Actually, I think what I described in my previous post was some error I had. mkfifo pipes work.

    So I can do:

           mkfifo pipe1
          mkfifo pipe2
    $(phony pipe1com1): pipe1
         command1 >pipe1 &
    $(phony pipe2com2): pipe2
        command2 >pipe2 &
    target1: pipe1com1 pipe2com2
        command3 pipe1 pipe2 >target1

    One problem that I have is that

         mkfifo pipe1

    ends up depending on itself. It gives an error: "warning: `pipe1' depends on itself; circular dependency removed."

    I tried all sorts of tricks to make this disappear, but couldn't. Actually, pipes are strange.

    command >file

    Creates "file", so doesn't automatically depend on it. But

    command >pipe

    Puts things in "pipe", so it needs "pipe" to be there, i.e. it depends on "pipe".

    A second problem I'm having is about what happens when a second rule depends on the pipe:

    target2:   pipe1com1
           command4 pipe1>target2

    I depend again on pipe1com1. This is supposed to run  command1 into the pipe1. But for the current makepp run pipe1com1, though phony, was already created for taget1, so it doesn't need to be recreated. However because it is a pipe, once taget1 is created, the contents of the pipe is already gone, so that target needs to be rebuilt. Again, I tried various tricks, but because of my relative newbieness, couldn't find how to accomplish this.

  • Daniel Pfeiffer

    Daniel Pfeiffer - 2011-12-07

    Wow, you made me find a bug in mpp, where it is too hard on shell syntax it doesn't grok.  Can you try this patch:

    --- Mpp/    2011-08-06 13:48:32.000000000 +0200
    +++ Mpp/    2011-12-07 23:07:22.834383437 +0100
    @@ -193,7 +193,9 @@
        $command =~ s/\d$//;    # strip off "2" in "2> file"
        next if $expr =~ /^\&/; # Ignore ">&2" etc.
        $expr =~ s/^\s*//;
    -   my $file = unquote +(split_on_whitespace $expr)[0] or
    +   my( $file ) = split_on_whitespace $expr;
    +   next unless defined $file; # something weird like bash <(cmd) syntax?
    +   $file = unquote $file or
          die "Undefined redirection in rule " . $rule->source . "\n";
        next if $file eq '/dev/null' or $file =~ m|[^-+=@%^\w:,./]|;
        if( $is_in ) {

    This will allow you to have bash -c 'command1 <(command2) <(command3) >result' as command action.

    The tab problem is the same as above, setting SHELL is very limited and outside Windows doesn't work (not that you said you tried it).  And here you have the extra problem that a single $ is makepp's.  If you want to pass it to a command, you must double it, so this echoes a tab: bash -c "echo a$$'\t'b" >out

  • Daniel Pfeiffer

    Daniel Pfeiffer - 2011-12-07

    Wow, you crossed my lines there.  Actually I didn't reply about your explicit pipes.  They certainly are blocking but have the funny thing that the reader must be there before the writer(s).  Backgrounding actions is not a good idea, because mpp can't catch their final return code, and might end before some of its actions end.

    $(phony pipe1com1): pipe1
         command1 >pipe1 &

    depends on itself, because mpp recognizes the >.

    Hiding real things behind phony is wrong.  Certainly rules get run only once.  If they do what they declare, there's no reason otherwise.  Anyway I showed in my previous post how to get your original intention working (albeit with an ugly bash -c), so all these problems should be irrelevant now.

  • Michael Lachmann

    Cool! Thanks! This works.
    And it even parses through the bash command!! That is amazing! Now my makefile is basically

          bash -c "join <($(COM1)) <($(COM2) >target1"
         bash -c "join <($(COM1)) <($(COM3) >target2"

    So nice!

  • Michael Lachmann

    Hmmm…. not entirely related, but…

    In my reply above, files used within COM1 were nicely recognized as dependencies. How come the same doesn't happen for the command "zcat"? I.e.

         zcat file.gz >target

    How come makepp doesn't recognize that target depends on file.gz?

  • Daniel Pfeiffer

    Daniel Pfeiffer - 2011-12-08

    Makepp uses command parsers to glean extra information.  This involves things like compiler's -Iinc, or -llib options.  Alas it is unthinkable to have parsers for the 1000s of commands out there, so mpp has no clue that the argument to zcat is a filename.

    Otoh, >target is recognized, because one step earlier the lexer understands the Shell syntax.  And it knows that someshell -c '…' contains a nested command.  For the thing I patched yesterday, it would require an Mpp::Lexer::Bash to understand all the extra goodies.  For now it ignores the one you brought up (done right it would recognize that <(cmd) contains a command and recursively try to parse that).

  • Michael Lachmann

    Oh, I see. But I can use

          zcat <file.gz >target

    This works very nicely.

    BTW: it is a bit strange that

          cat <file >target

    works (i.e. recognizes that target depends on file), while

          &cat file >target


  • Michael Lachmann

    Sorry, I meant:

        &cat file -o target
  • Michael Lachmann

    (Sorry for my many replies….)

    Maybe this is somewhat backwards, but I guess you can tell the dependency of any command on file arguments by using

          bash -c "command <(cat file1) <(cat file2) <(cat file3)"

    Is there an easier way to do this? Other than, adding it to the dependeny line manually…

  • Michael Lachmann

    Bah! Again a mistake… I meant

        bash -c "command <(cat <file1) <(cat <file2) <(cat <file3)"
  • Daniel Pfeiffer

    Daniel Pfeiffer - 2011-12-13

    Well, if you go to all these lengths, you might as well just put the inputs after the first colon…

    As for parsing the built in commands, you have a point there.  The sad part is that they have a rather rich option syntax.  So getting everything right would mean doing a good part of what the command will really do later.  Since a long time I haven't come to a final conclusion about whether it's worth it.


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