
#18 GIT repository: missing and/or problem commits from CVS import.


While investigating some possible issues with the CVS repository, found that there were issues with the contents of the GIT repository and with the process being used to import the CVS commits to the GIT repository, resulting in missing and/or problem commits from that CVS import.


  • Robert James Clay

    Example issues:

    • Tag v3-3-6 was not visible in the imported branch in the old GIT repository but was verified as being in the CVS repository.
    • Other commits appear to be either missing from the old GIT repository or showed up (like in the online GIT repository browser) with missing date and/or author information.

    Ended up having to start the CVS import over again with a new local repository.

    • Good: v3-3-6 tag shows up with no problem. No other apparent issues.
    • Not so good: redoing the import results in different commit IDs in the new repository for the same CVS commits, which could be handled by treating the different versions of the repository as different lines of development and doing merges. But because of the different commit IDs, the tags also show up differently and that needs to be resolved in favor the new version of the repository.
  • Robert James Clay

    Accepting current GIT repository as it is now. Don't have all of the tags from CVS but does have the versions that actually been released and are available in the file archives.

  • Robert James Clay

    • status: accepted --> closed-fixed

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