
#2 failure on adding files


If many files are added, for some reason a nonexistant
directory also gets added. For example, the files are in
c:\pics, and c:\pics\pics get added to the list. The AVI
cannot be created because it fails when it gets to this
entry. The entry cannot be deleted either - selecting it
results in the preview trying to show it, and when that
fails the program simply exits.


  • Newt

    Newt - 2005-04-23

    Logged In: YES

    I have updated MakeAVI and placed it on my website (I'm
    trying to contact the admin here).

    I basically fixed the bug where it was limited to loading a
    certain number of files (because of fixed size buffer sent to
    CFileDialog). in the graphics download section.

  • Gerrit M. Albrecht

    Logged In: YES

    I can't imagine why this occurs. I updated the source code
    and inserted a lot of specific error checks. Now MakeAVI
    checks if pictures exists, if the file format is known
    before reading the image and also some unchecked return
    values have now an error dialog. The next version will have
    all these improvements and I hope that then this error is
    eliminated. Only valid pictures will be added to the file
    list and destroyed file names have no chance. The new
    version will come as soon as possible. Until then you can
    compile the sources yourself from the CVS.

  • Newt

    Newt - 2005-08-23

    Logged In: YES

    I don't think it has to do with some pictures not existing, I
    believe it has to do with the fixed buffer size for CFileDialog.

    I used a code sample (FECFileDialog from
    to get around the fixed buffer size and this fixed it. Check
    the source code from my site, it was a fairly minor update.
    Just using a replacement for CFileDialog which required very
    minimal code changes within the application.


  • Gerrit M. Albrecht

    Logged In: YES

    Yes, thanks again for your suggestion. My first action after
    getting developer status was, to insert v0.11 into the CVS
    and to add your changes ;-) But also with the new dialog it
    was possible to type filenames by hand and so it was
    possible to add files which do not existed. Therefore I
    added some more error checking to test the file. I also
    check the file format and if it is support by using the
    FreeImage routines and so. CVS version is up to date. I'm
    looking forward to publish a new version, but first there
    are some more tasks in the Todo.txt file. Here are direct
    links to the Todo and Changelog files:

    Btw, the source code at your site uses a corrupt archive. I
    downloaded the class from


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