
Mailster / News: Recent posts


See release notes and enjoy :)

Posted by Kods 2009-05-17

Mailster v0.9.2 RELEASED

Version 0.9.2 (2009-03-28) - Codename Magneto

- Added a default behaviour support to the import/export dropdown
toolbar item.
- Fixed splash screen show duration relatively to the startup time.
- Dramatically increased startup time by further checking crypto
permissions when security environment is not properly setup.
- Made version check asynchronous.
- Optimized date column sorting.
- Fixed export as eml file function which was generating incorrect
pathnames and failed to export the files.
- Optimized and enhanced headers view with additional styles support.
- Fixed the new message count displayed in the hosts tree.
- Fixed the online version check version computing code. ... read more

Posted by Kods 2009-03-28

Mailster v0.9.1 RELEASED

Once again here comes a new version which features heavy changes and improvements like : a whole new SMTP core (MailsterSMTP also available as a library in the downloads section) ; the migration to MINA 2.0.0-M4 ; and some bug fixes

Try it and let me know about any problems you encounter.

Here is the complete changelog :
Version 0.9.1 (2009-02-14) - Codename My little flea

- UPGRADED to MINA 2.0.0-M4.
- Updated starting scripts.... read more

Posted by Kods 2009-02-14

Is anyone on the othe other side ?

Hi users,

It's been over 2 years of Mailster releases and i know there's people all over the world using it but i get very few feedback. I'd really like to get more and to discuss with you for the possible future changes.

So don't hesitate & Have fun :)

Posted by Kods 2009-02-10

MailsterSMTP 1.0.0-M2 released

This is the new SMTP server core library of Mailster.

This release provides many enhancements over 1.0.0-M1 listed in the following changelog :

- Added ASF license file.
- Added javadoc.
- Refactored SMTPServer class to use a configuration object
making internals less tied and much cleaner.
- Javadoced each configuration option to make clear when their
value is read.
- The charset and the data deferred size new values will now be
reread at each server startup.
- Removed the getHelp(..) method from the Command interface.
- Command objects now have a direct reference to their
- Reworked starp/stop methods and added a shutdown method to the
SMTPServer class thus allowing to restart multiple times the same
instance until shutdown is called.
- Removed the acceptor thread pool which is not used since the
migration to MINA 2.
- New empty constructor in SMTPServer class for ease of use.
- Added mail trace in the default implementation of the
- Improved by 10% large data transfers by preventing unnecessary
IoBuffer copies due to auto expanding.
- Improved DefaultDeliveryHandler against concurrent modifications
of it's deliveries list.
- Fixed internal state after the end of a data transfer. This is no
more the DeliveryHandler job to reset it's state at the end of the
data(...) method because it's resetMessageState() method will be
- Extracted Delivery and SharedStreamUtils classes from the
AbstractDeliveryHandler class to further prevent custom implementations
from duplicating existing code.
- Added NPE check to the authentication API to prevent a custom factory
from returning a null instance.

Posted by Kods 2009-02-10

0.9.1 release is almost ready

As always this is a big release.

SMTP server was fully replaced by MailsterSMTP which is more robust and is NIO driven (using Apache MINA). Many other improvements and bug fixes have been done stay tuned

Posted by Kods 2009-02-10

Release 0.9.0 commited in CVS

A long awaited new release. Many improvements made in many domains.

So have a look at it, and Merry christmas :)
Version 0.9.0 (2008-12-24) - Codename Santa Claus

- UPGRADED to MINA 1.1.7.
- UPGRADED to SLF4J 1.5.6.
- UPGRADED to Bouncy Castle Provider 1.4.1.
- Updated starting scripts.

- Fixed TO & CC parsing in HeadersView and FilterTreeView
- Delayed Javascript execution on email view to improve
- Fixed queue clearing when mail tabs are opened.
- Added import/export functionalities : currently supports
EML and MBOX formats.
- Simple update to language preferences tab to make informations
more readable without scrolling.
- Fixed a crash on close.
- Added mail raw view updating when selecting item in outline view.... read more

Posted by Kods 2008-12-24

Release 0.8.4 commited in CVS

This may look like a minor release but it's in fact a huge one. Many improvements made in many domains.

So have a look at it :)
Version 0.8.4 (2008-02-11) - Codename Havoc

- UPGRADED to MINA 1.1.6.
- Updated GlazedLists library.
- Updated starting scripts.

- Added a memory occupation progress bar in the status bar.
- Made strong improvements in data memory management to prevent
OOM errors.
- Tray item image is changed when server is started.
- Fixed treeview to only create case insensitive hosts filters.
- Fixed enabled state of buttons in the tree view toolbar.
- Added a new branch in the treeview that contains the flagged mails.
It allows the user to do a custom filtering on the mail list.
- Many improvement to GlazedLists code to provide more flexible UI
and fix some bugs.
- Now uses a temporary directory to store previewed attached files.
- Added the SHIFT+F4 shortcut that enables to close all opened tabs
at one time.
- Added a button to show the complete changelog in prettyfied HTML
- Fixed minimum cryptographic strength to comply with the algorithm
- Fixed SWTHelper#getImageDescriptor(String fileName). Properties page
now correctly show icons when Mailster is packed in a JAR file or when
using JavaWebStart.... read more

Posted by Kods 2008-02-11

New screenshots

Added/Updated screenshots section to show the beautiful UI modfications of v0.8.3 :)

Posted by Kods 2007-12-19


Check the download section and enjoy :)

Posted by Kods 2007-12-06

v0.8.3 commited to CVS

Finally i've got the time to achieve this new release. Hope you'll find interesting functionnalities.

Here's the changelog

Version 0.8.3 (2007-12-03) - Codename Harfang

- UPGRADED to MINA 1.1.5
- UPGRADED to SLF4J 1.4.3
- Updated starting scripts
- Updated home page URL ( ).

- Publicly available JUNIT tests to help improve robustness.

- Fixed possible resource leaking in SWTHelper#createColor().... read more

Posted by Kods 2007-12-03

Brand new web site

Hi community,

i've been very busy last weeks. But i'm back with some news. The first one is a brand new web site talking about the project. Please have a look at it @

And last but not least you should expect a 0.8.3 release in the incoming week.

Stay tuned :)

Posted by Kods 2007-11-18

v.0.8.2 RELEASED !

As always you can check out CVS or download the file in the download section.

Screenshots will be updated soon.
Much work done on security enhancement (SSL handling, certificates, authentication mechanisms etc...)

This new release contains 2 new translations (italian and bulgarian).


Posted by Kods 2007-08-19

v0.8.2 Overview

Hi all, here's a preview of the changelog of the future v0.8.2 a.k.a Sasquatch. As you'll see there has been huge work on SSL crypto and POP3 auth mechanisms to enable any client to get mails from Mailster.

Hope i could release this asap :)

- Reworked SSL module to handle peer authentication.
- Fixed threading issue in the APOP POP3 command.
- Added the following POP3 AUTH mechanisms : LOGIN, PLAIN, CRAM-MD5,
CRAM-SHA1, DIGEST-MD5. Please note that ,currently , DIGEST-MD5 only
supports authentication and integrity protection qop options.
- Fixed an issue with line termination in POP3 protocol.
- Fixed premature connection closing of the POP3 server.... read more

Posted by Kods 2007-08-13

v0.8.1 released

you can check out CVS or download the file in the download section.

Many work on performance and preferences.

Hope you'll enjoy this new release that contains 8 new translations !


Posted by Kods 2007-07-15

Translators joined :)

Mailster should be translated into 3 new languages in a matter of time as a chinese, a german and a greek translator are working on it.

Big thanks to those 3 and if you wanna join the translator team you're welcome to contribute another language or help correct the existing ones.


Posted by Kods 2007-06-29

v0.8.1 preview screenshot

see screenshots sections :)

Posted by Kods 2007-06-26


After 6 weeks of hard hacking, it's finally there with a whole bunch of features, fixes and more.

As always, feedback would be very appreciated.

ps : i still need translators feel free to contact me by any way.

Posted by Kods 2007-06-08

v0.8 is warming up

Exciting features and UI modifications are coming in with this new version of which the most important is probably a full featured POP3 server using the high performance NIO framework MINA (

As ever comments, requests etc. are welcome to help improve Mailster so feel free to report in.

Posted by Kods 2007-06-06

v0.7.0 is out

Many UI improvements and some minor bug fixes lead to this new version

Release notes available at:
and a new screenshot should make it to the screenshots session soon

Give it a try

Posted by Kods 2007-04-26

Translaters WANTED

If you know how to write another language than french or english and you want to help by contributing you could help open Mailster to new languages.

It's easy even if you know nothing concerning programming. I'll provide you with a simple file that you can edit with a simple program as notepad.Each line is formed from a key and a translation in the following form :

key.of.the.translated.message=message in the foreign language... read more

Posted by Kods 2007-04-26


Hi all,

this is a feature spoiler. Next version, which should be numbered as 0.7.0 will introduce the use of Glazed lists project to improve GUI use providing on the fly filtering and sorting. This would be very effective in a production were queue isn't often cleared and you search for a specific mail. Filtering will be done on the to and subject header fields.

I'm sure you're now eager to get your hands on this version. It should reach release state in a few days from now.... read more

Posted by Kods 2007-04-21

v0.6.1 Released !

This may not be a major number release but major improvements have been made in this version as you can see in the release notes. Almost all bugs, features requests and patches are now fixed in the Dumbster core.

Other major improvements are on the way for the next major releases like POP3 access or Glazed lists use for dynamic filtering/searching and others

Posted by Kods 2007-04-02

On holidayyyyyyyyys ;p

Yeah it's holidays time and my snowboard is warming up waiting for me !

And for those wondering a new release should be up by the time i come back (i just didn't have the time to make it before my departure)

I wish all of you a nice week. :)

Posted by Kods 2007-03-23