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Showing 22 results of 22

# Summary Milestone Status Owner Created Updated Priority
47 T26LD5 <a href="">knvtvjsxmrjq</a>, windows/nt open 2013-04-15 2013-04-15 5  
46 LudI6Z <a href="">rtkxrlfchawf</a>, windows/nt open 2013-04-14 2013-04-14 5  
45 HiP9DY Very informative article.Really looking forward to re None open 2013-03-01 2013-03-01 5  
44 GIymlW Very good blog post.Thanks Again. Great. None open 2013-02-28 2013-02-28 5  
43 wAE4ZM I really liked your blog article.Really thank you! Aw windows/nt open 2013-01-31 2013-01-31 5  
42 ejcteB Major thankies for the blog.Really looking forward to windows/nt open 2013-01-31 2013-01-31 5  
33 Can't snarf in Gnus after decrypting None open-remind nega 2004-04-02 2007-11-25 5  
32 cannot sign text other that ascii None open-remind nega 2003-05-16 2007-11-25 5  
25 Win32/cygwin GPG failure (filenames) windows/nt open 2002-07-07 2014-12-24 5  
20 Chars inserted before accents (fix incl) None open 2001-12-22 2001-12-22 5  
19 Does not work in VM None open 2001-10-31 2001-10-31 5  
18 prob w/ &quot;already in trusted key table&quot; None open 2001-10-22 2001-10-22 5  
17 PGP5/mailcrypt/xemacs 21.2.38/cygwin None open 2001-10-04 2002-09-29 4  
16 gpg: failed to translate osfhandle 00000 windows/nt open 2001-09-06 2002-09-29 2  
14 accepts &quot;enter&quot; as a passphrase char None open 2001-06-27 2001-06-27 5  
13 verifying mime attached signatures None open 2001-06-27 2001-06-27 5  
11 Hangs while decrypting large messages None open 2001-05-31 2001-11-24 6  
10 Error decr. norwegian char. in emacs21 None open-duplicate 2001-05-28 2003-07-25 5  
7 Wrong type argument: stringp, addr1 None open 2001-04-18 2002-09-29 3  
6 installation doesn't compile properly. None open 2001-03-27 2001-03-27 5  
5 cannot fetch keys None open 2001-03-16 2001-03-16 5  
3 mailcrypt says message is currupt but it isn't None open 2001-02-21 2001-02-21 5  
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