
MadCollector / News: Recent posts

Situation update

I achieved much progress in the last weeks. The project is pretty functional now, most of the original features are done.
I'm testing an early alpha on the historical site. I might make a release quite soon. Maybe two versions : one including the database entries, one without.

Posted by Madcollector 2007-03-25

Search engine is online. Warp 9, Scottie !

Here are some news about the project.

- the first version on the search engine is over
- Database conception is over, I think.
- navigation between series and issues is still awkward, but it's working
- PDF export is rather good. It could be over, but only english is supported. So I won't say it's over :)

Don't expect a tarball yet. The new version is far from over. The former version is quite fonctional but I'm too ashamed of my coding to upload it. Be patient, it will be worth it !

Posted by Madcollector 2006-11-18