
#100 use Mac::Navigation fails

Development Branch

After using the slick web installer to install MacPerl
5.6.1b2 on my iBook the file "" was in the
"Mac" folder that's within the "lib" folder, right
where it should be, along with "Navigation.xs",
"", etc..


use Mac::StandardFile;
print "ok\n";


prints "ok";



use Mac::Navigation;
print "ok\n";


yields the following...

# Can't locate loadable object for module
Mac::Navigation in @INC (@INC
contains: HD:Programming:PERL:MacPerl ƒ:lib:Mac:
HD:Programming:PERL:MacPerl ƒ:lib:MacPPC:
ƒ:lib: HD:Programming:PERL:MacPerl ƒ:site_perl: :
File 'Dev:Pseudo'; Line 8
# Compilation failed in require.
File 'Dev:Pseudo'; Line 8
# BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.
File 'Dev:Pseudo'; Line 8


In a test I...
- duplicated ""
- changed the name to ""
- changed line 19 from "package Mac::Navigation;" to
"package Mac::xyz;"
- changed line 127 from "bootstrap Mac::Navigation;"
to "bootstrap Mac::xyz;"
- and ran the following...


use Mac::abc;
print "ok\n";


which yielded the following error message...

# Can't locate loadable object for module Mac::xyz in
@INC (@INC contains: HD:Programming:PERL:MacPerl
ƒ:lib:Mac: HD:Programming:PERL:MacPerl ƒ:lib:MacPPC:
HD:Programming:PERL:MacPerl ƒ:lib:
HD:Programming:PERL:MacPerl ƒ:site_perl: : Dev:Pseudo:)
File ''; Line 1
# Compilation failed in require.
File ''; Line 1
# BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.
File 'HD:Programming:PERL:a.


  • Chris Nandor

    Chris Nandor - 2001-12-04

    Logged In: YES

    This has been fixed; the Navigation shared library was
    installed into your System Folder by mistake. The next
    release will have it right.

  • Chris Nandor

    Chris Nandor - 2001-12-04
    • labels: --> Installation
    • milestone: --> Development Branch
    • assigned_to: nobody --> pudge
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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