
xz looking for libraries in wrong place

Ross Mohn
  • Ross Mohn

    Ross Mohn - 2010-12-20

    When I run xz after compiling on AIX 6 with

    ./configure --prefix=$HOME; make; make install

    , it gives an error looking in the wrong place for the libraries.

    exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program xz because of the following errors:
            0509-150   Dependent module ../../src/liblzma/.libs/liblzma.a( could not be loaded.
            0509-022 Cannot load module ../../src/liblzma/.libs/liblzma.a(
            0509-026 System error: A file or directory in the path name does not exist.

    If I cd to src/xz/ in the src directory it runs fine, of course, but not after installing it to $HOME.
    Help? Thanks! -Ross

  • Lasse Collin

    Lasse Collin - 2010-12-23

    It sounds like a problem in the build system, maybe in libtool. I have no idea how to fix it. It sounds likely that some other packages have a similar problem on AIX.

    A workaround might be to disable building of shared liblzma by passing -disable-shared to the configure script.

  • Ross Mohn

    Ross Mohn - 2010-12-23

    I was thinking something like that might work, and yes it did! Thanks! -Ross


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