
Lynn's Legacy / News: Recent posts

Attention Dummies! =]

Since I have actually recieved more than one complaint about "no source code on wtf! you suck!", I figured I'll make an official news post about it, linking to it! So there you have it!

The only reason I don't have it in an official package is because it would show up above the actual game downloads, confusing newbies (thanks to sf.nets automatic displaying based on time of release.) I'd rather have some dummies complaining than some (lovable) newbies unable to find the game! Get it? Got it? Good! =]... read more

Posted by Ruben 2006-08-28

Lynn's Legacy 1.1

This version of Lynn's Legacy fixes a couple of small but persistent bugs, including some that would even cause the game to crash. Also much more efficent collision checks now.

In addition this release brings the ability to configure/use joystick buttons/pads in addition to keyboard keys. Just run "config", click an action, and instead of pressing a keyboard key, just press the joystick axis/button you'd like to associate with the action. You should see some visual confirmation, but if not, it will probably still work ok in game.... read more

Posted by Ruben 2006-08-26

Lynn's Legacy full version released!

Lynn's Legacy is here at last! There's a link to download it on the project page. :)


Posted by Ruben 2006-07-21

LL is going Beta, for real =)

LL has been released to a closed group of beta testers, and pending an "all-clear", perhaps even a public release is in order. That's all. :P

Posted by Ruben 2006-05-31

Progress on all fronts

I am extremely excited to announce that the engine code for LL is advancing rapidly towards a full 1.0 release. Check out CVS module "LL 1.0" (no quotes) to see the progress *g*

Posted by Ruben 2006-02-26

LL Progress...

Lynn's Legacy has been advancing towards an open enemy scripting system. It pleases me to announce that this operation is nearing the final phases of implementation.

The (very simple) compiler that I wrote to convert the "mk_*.bas" enemy specifications into XML has been commited to the CVS, along with the "translated" XMLs that the compiler created.

A recursive descent XML parser has already been custom written, but does not recognize every enemy specification tag, yet. The ground work has been laid, however.... read more

Posted by Ruben 2006-02-06